Chapter 3

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"Hello my little butterfly!"

"Dad!" "Grandfather!" As soon as the flames were out Aria and her children threw themselves at the newly arrived person while everyone watched almost to afraid to even breath. And in that moment they realized just who Aria Mikaelson Salvatore was, she was married to three of the most dangerous people of the world, had three very powerful children and she was the daughter of Lucifer, she was Aria Morningstar the mate of the hybrid, the psychotic maniac, and the ripper of Monterey and she had the most powerful children, they heard the stories but they never believed them and now here she was in front of them and not even the Volturi could make them fear them, like they feared the girl in front of them.  

"Are you alright my little devil, I felt your emotions trough the bond?"

"I'm ok dad just facing some old demons."

"Ah darling I see."

"Grandpa, he was yelling at mom and almost made her cry" While the kids and their fathers were smirking proudly, said Cullen was visibly paler than usual because he knew what Aria's father did for her and what had happened to anyone who hurt her and the outcome wasn't always pretty.

"Eh I will deal with you another time right now I want to see my dear Rosalie, and my darling Rebekah." Lucifer said with the same love he held for his daughter, the devil saw those girls like his own and made sure no one hurt them.

"Hi dad!" The girls said at the same time as they too saw Lucifer as a father figure. 

While the family was in their little world they were rudely interrupted by one other then Isabella Cullen.

"And just who the hell are you?" The snob asked liked she owned everything

"Who are you to talk to him like that you dumb whore, that's Lucifer the ruler of Hell, and my grandfather." Theo pointed out 

"Yeah right you expect me to believe that she is the daughter of the devil and you are his grandchildren, yeah sure...!" Isabella rolled her eyes after finishing her so called statement

"How dare you question my daughter and her children, who do you think you are!" The anger was clearly shown in Lucifer's words but his face was almost neutral the only thing that could give it away was the way his eyes changing to the colour of a blood red.

"It's not like she can do anything anyway, she's to afraid!"

"I'm the daughter of the devil you think YOU can scare ME? Darling get a reality check the only one who's going to be afraid of you are the rabbits in the forest. come on guys let's get going."

"Wait Ari where are you going?"

"I'm sorry Rose but I'm not sleeping in the same house let alone stay close to the aria they are in."

"It's alright I understand, there is a house almost outside of Forks that is for sale it's pretty spacious and good for families." Rosalie said while smiling at her sister

"I can help you find it if you'd like I drove there a couple of times." Emmet said focusing on wrestling with Stiles

"That would be very nice thank you Emmet." Stefan said gratefully that he didn't have to drive through the whole town 

"Alright let's head out, Stiles come on you already won three games." Klaus said trying not to laugh as Emmet once again got beat by a teenager 

They got into the cars and left the Cullen driveway, meanwhile the the family were having a quarrel in the house 

"What is actually wrong with you huh Bella she came all the way from a nice peaceful place to help you with your bullshit, and you repay her by saying all this shit about her and her family!" Rosalie said practically fuming with anger

"She thinks she's better than everyone else just because she's married to the Mikaelsons and one of the Salvatores." Bella said trying to prove a point

"Of course she's better than anyone else she's the devil's daughter even the Volturi fear her and honestly Isabella, you should too after what you did." Rosalie said while leaving to her room

On the ride to the house 

"Are you alright mom?" Hope asked concerned as her mother hasn't scolded them for fighting over music or say anything when Theo cursed

"Yeah...I'm ok baby don't worry." But the cracking in her voice said otherwise she stole one glance at her kids and that was it, soon the only thing that was being heard in the car wasn't the usual bickering of the siblings, it was the sobbing of their mother, Klaus and Kol who were on either side of her took her in their embrace, it was heart-breaking for everyone in the car to see the most strongest woman crying her heart out.

"He cheated, he left me, he chose her and yet he plays the victim?" The words were barely audible but they understood what she just said.

"They don't deserve you love, they are self centred people who don't deserve your tears or you breath, so wipe the tears and wear them as your crown." Klaus said as he kissed the crown of Ari's head causing a small smile

"My brother is right darling." Kol said kissing her cheek making her smile even wider

  "You know dear I can go back and go all ripper on them" Stefan said jokingly but everyone knew he was serious causing Aria's smile to get even bigger

"It's ok" Aria said trying to bring all of them to a calmer state of mind

"I mean me and Hope get Edweird and Theo can do something about Isabella and boom shaka laka they're gone." Stiles said making weird hand gestures at this their mother burst into giggles

"It's alright your dads are right they don't deserve shit."

"Ho ho look at that ladies and gentleman miss Aria actually can swear." Theo said proudly

"I can swear Theo I just choose not to do it."

"You know butterfly I can go there and drag them down to hell." Lucifer was heard from the other car because supernatural hearing

"Can we help grandpa!"


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