Chapter 8

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The battle was getting closer and everyone was ready for what was about to begin.

"Listen, me and our dads love you all very much but as soon as this goes down just stay back and let us handle it, you know Aro, Caius, and Marcus would never hurt you but we are not going to take the risk." Aria said to her children who were on the verge of crying.

"We can fight if it comes to it mom!" Hope spoke

"I know you can and I don't doubt it, but it's so we can know your safe ok?"

"Ok, we love you guys."

"We love you too"

No one knew what was about to come but as soon as they heard Garrett mumbling how the redcoats were coming they got prepared for a battle, of course Aria knew no battle was going to start, but that can't be said for everyone on that field. They were all ready for the war that was never going to begin.

"Whatever happens we love you all, never let anything come between family ok?"

"We love you too mom and dad." The kids said simultaneously and if they were under other circumstances they would have laughed at the synchronization they have.

*Third person pov*

"Aro let us talk about this!"

"Fair words for the battalion you have gathered!"

"The child is not immortal!"

"We see the child Carlisle, do not lie to us!"

"If you can listen just for a second!"

But before anyone could say something else a portal opened in the middle of the field

"Aro Volturi the Clave aren't happy with your actions!" Out of the portal fashionably late came Isabelle Lightwood along with Jace Clary and

"We are truly sorry for not informing the Clave sooner, but be that as it may, this matter needed to be solved as soon as possible so that we would be aware if the child is a liability." Marcus, the usually quiet one had said

"I want every piece of evidence I can gather, Edward since the child is attached to your newborn mate I suppose you have a role in this mess."

And so Edward was forced to show Aro everything, he saw how he left Aria, what happened a few days ago, everything.

"You know I may be a very old-fashioned fool but even I know how not to break someone's heart and then seek an apology from them."

"I would also like Aria to come forward to see her part of the story."

They people were confused since when does Aro do therapy, but it wasn't for that reason what none of them knew was that the leader of the Volturi and the daughter of the devil were so close that in fact the three kings are the godparents of her children.

"Hello my dear Aro, it has been a while has it not?"

"Yes my little dove it has." What happened next shocked everyone except the Volturi and Arias family, the king had pulled the girl into his embrace while showing a soft smile reserved only for the she-devil.

"Where are our godchildren dear?" As soon as the words were spoken the children embraced their godparents

"So you accuse my Reneesme of being immortal but you don't say anything about her children?" Isabella snarled at the Volturi

Jane and Alec were ready to put her on her ass for trying to hurt the person who became an older sibling to them.

"Alec, Jane easy." Aria said effectively calming them both down

Aria Mikaelson SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now