Chapter 2

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"I believe what she meant was go away." Stefan who had been watching the wanna be vampire try to talk with his wife

"Listen I don't want to do anything but talk ok?"

"Alright talk." By now everyone was in the living room watching the drama unfold, Kol, Klaus and Stefan were on stand by in case Edward tried something and her children were ready to use their abilities in case he tried to hurt their mother.

"Privately please!"

"Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of us mate." Klaus said glaring daggers at the generic disco ball as him and Theo called them.

"What could you possibly want to talk about, the fact that you promised me nothing would happen between you and Isabella or the fact that you cheated and not only did you not tell me you also told your family we broke up? Or how about the fact that you fucking proposed and then went and slept with her?"

"I didn't sleep with her, please let me explain."

"I don't want to hear it, you understand? I don't want to hear your shitty excuses as to why you did what you did, you still went and did it even if you fucking promised." At this point everyone could see the betrayal she felt and the tears that had started clouding her vision. "So no Edward I don't want to talk and I don't want to hear your excuses." As she started walking past him Edward grabbed her arm

"Wait Ari!"

"You better get your hand off mate before they disappear ." As soon as he had laid his arm on her, her mates carefully took her away while not so carefully taking his arm off her. Kol was like a predator waiting to kill his pray and anyone could see the ripper of Monterey had come out to play while Klaus flashed his hybrid eyes at the cold one.

"Listen I can't justify my actions, but look at you as soon as we broke up you found yourself some boy toys to play with!" Edward exclaimed angrily.

"She said go away and I believe so did papa Kol and papa Stefan." Everyone who looked at the angry teenager could see the resemblance between her and her father while he had terrifying yellow glowing eyes, she had vibrant blue glowing eyes and yet they were both equally terrifying.

"Hope how many bones are in a human body?" Stiles asked with a smile almost as sinister as the one Kol had

"I don't know Stiles, how about we count?" Hope responded with the same sinister smile on her face as her brother.

As soon as Edward tried to step closer to Aria...

"You come any closer to my family I will rip your throat out with my teeth." Theo said while flashing his hybrid eyes while a blue almost silver mist surrounded his hands, as soon as his mother saw what was happening she rushed to calm him down

"Theo, darling, I understand you are angry but please calm down okay?" At his mother soothing words Theo slowly calmed down

"Fucking whore" Isabella murmured under her breath

"That's my mother you are talking about so watch it!" Isabella, surprised that someone spoke to her that way tried to say something, but one glare from Rosalie and Emmet and she shut her mouth really quick.

"I never loved you anyway I only used you, you never cared and never will!" Edward yelled angrily that he couldn't get close to Aria, Jasper who was protecting his son and wife on the side-line could feel the anger radiating from Aria the moment Edward stopped his sentence.

"How could you! I gave up everything for you, I tried to give you my everything, I cared, how can you say I didn't? The thing I care about most is my family and that doesn't include you anymore! So you have no right to say I don't care because listen here you dickstick, you aren't part of my family anymore!" As soon as she finished her sentence Aria felt her bond with her father become more powerful as the seconds go by almost like he was asking her if she was ok she sent a mental message to her father with the short story of what is happening and to say the least Lucifer was pissed, not only did that creature touch his daughter, he had the audacity to yell at her and make her cry, and with that Lucifer was determined to wait for the perfect moment for his entrance and of course Lucifer style, he had to make it dramatic so the sun began peeking through the oh so many windows in the Cullen house a mist effulged the living room of course no one knew what was happening, the only people who knew were the Mikaelson Salvatore and the Whitlock family, the children were exited to see their grandfather after so much time, the excitement they had was fully felt by the empath who was trying his hardest not to laugh at the kids face, they looked like they had just saw the Easter Bunny. 

Everyone was waiting with anticipation to see what would happen. A pentagram had started appearing on the ground while Aria and her family were giggling the rest of the people were stuck like stone. The older vampires knew what was happening, the devil was coming up on earth but they didn't understood how because no one summoned him, as they saw the pentagram lighting on fire they took a step back mostly afraid of what was going to happen.

 The older vampires knew what was happening, the devil was coming up on earth but they didn't understood how because no one summoned him, as they saw the pentagram lighting on fire they took a step back mostly afraid of what was going to happen

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"Hello there my little butterfly!"

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