Chapter 5 (small chapter)

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*Third person pov:*

The night ended faster than anyone wanted, though nobody complained, as the mornings in the household are the best, the earliest ones up are usually Aria and Jasper as he was a nightwalker, he was used to not sleeping so he doesn't need much of it, while they make breakfast, the rest started waking up to the smell of pancakes, bacon and eggs and more things served at breakfast. As soon as more people arrive they each get a 'chore' one has to put the plates the other arranges the silverware and so on, the family talks and jokes while eating and so the atmosphere is very pleasant. After the meal is done just like preparing it, each have a chore, and while some of them do that (mainly the kids since the adults set the table) the others get ready for the day.

"Are you kids ready, Kol is getting impatient?!"

"No I'm not darling." "Yes you are brother" "Yes I am"

"We're coming down in a minute. Hope's not done."

"Ok!" "You know that's what they got from the Mikaelson line, being fashionably late."

"Now love let's not get over ourselves. The stubbornness didn't come from us."

"Yeah it did" "Yeah it did"

"I think they got the beauty and the brains from you babe."

"Ew can you guys like stop you're making me barf."

"Stiles shut up."

"What if I don't want to? What are you going to do?"

"Smack you."


And so the family headed to the Culler residence for early training. The car ride was as usual, bickering between the triplets and Aria trying to stop it while the men-children were making it worse by taking sides, The family eventually got to their destination without somebody dying.

"Hey guys you finally arrived!"

"Hi auntie Rose!" The kids said in unison

"Never do that again please, It's creepy."

Training went well that day, not a lot happened except for the occasional longing glances from Eddie boy and the daggers from Isabella, but except for that it went well. The family got to meet the pack and they got along well, especially Leah and Stiles, Theo Paul and Sam kept talking about fighting and protecting family and all that overprotective stuff, and Hope was hanging out with Seth, while Aria Klaus Kol and Stefan were relaxing and watching their kids be happy. All in all it was a beautiful day, and they hoped tomorrow would be as well, but boy oh boy their hope was about to get crushed.

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