Chapter 6

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*Third person pov*

The battle was a few days away and the Cullens and their witnesses were training nonstop while the Mikaelson family were mostly watching, of course they were training as well but at home, they had frequent visits from Aria's friends from the New York institute, the kids were training with their aunts and uncles quite a lot and the parents couldn't be happier for their improvements at one point they succeeded in beating 'the best Shadowhunters in the century'.       The feud Aria has with the family at fault for this whole 'war' is still going strong and while she doesn't notice the glances and daggers the rest of the family does and they respond with their intimidating glances and the whole field of people could feel the tension but they didn't comment on it as they didn't want to anger either one of the parties.

"Why didn't we just stay home I mean I get that we have to help auntie Rose and uncle Emmet but the rest are just fucking useless dead weight."

"Theo, come on we talked about this."

While Hope and her brother were having the conversation the people present found themselves angered at the young boy's words.

"You brat how can you talk like that about us, you think that you are better than us?" Isabelle asked while forgetting that she is talking to the most powerful children in the supernatural world

"No, we know we are better than you, you generic disco balls can't even go out in the sun without people thinking you put too much highlighter on." The ever sarcastic child spoke

"While us nightwalkers can walk freely without worrying if we sparkle or not." Hope added with the same amount of sarcasm

"And you know what the best part is? We look like fucking normal humans while you like you have been dipped in bleach multiple times." At this point the kids were grinning and the shapeshifters that arrived a while ago to see their friends heard everything, some were in human form and laughing whilst in tears while the others were in wolf form and grinning like the Cheshire cat.

The parents weren't present so that's why the kids said everything they said or that is what they thought, they arrived from talking to Jasper, Rose and Emmet a while ago and we're watching in silence, they were proud yes, but they had to appear as great parents so they cheered their kids through their minds.

Aria wasn't to happy, she had to admit it was funny watching Isabella get put in her place, but she didn't raise her kids like that, her husband's on the other hand, if you asked them, this would be one of their proudest moments, although Stiles and Theo aren't their children they see them as their own. It was all fun and games until Isabella tried to hit Hope as soon as her hand was raised Aria appeared in front of her having a death grip on her hand.

"You try to touch my children again, Isabella I swear on the angels that I will make you suffer the worst kind of punishments anyone has ever seen, I will drag you through Hell myself if you even look at my children the wrong way ever again." In the end Isabella got what she wanted, a reaction out of Aria, it wasn't the reaction she wanted but the one she deserved.

Everyone was still in shock that sweet Isabella tried to hit a child, Aria's child nonetheless,Aria however was livid, she felt like she could burn Isabella right here right now and send Volturi the ashes but she knew she couldn't do that to a child, leaving her without a mother.

"You touch my children Isabella Swan and I will feed your head to the shapeshifters over there." Saying Klaus, Kol and Stefan were mad was a little understatement they felt murderous, they wanted to kill but to the orders of their wife they didn't although from looking at her they felt like she would make an exception. And she would of had it not been for her children talking she would of ripped Isabella ripper style.

"Did you just try to hit my sister? Are you serious? I will break off a branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, sprinkle vervain on it and shove it down you throat." The youngest threatened Isabella 

"And I would gladly help by giving her immense pain." The little witch said

"You know Hope and Stiles may not carry out their threats but I would gladly do it for them, you don't have to worry." Now Theo was a whole other story. He was angry that some low life whore tried to hit his sister but he was oddly calm about it because he knew that his parents would take care of it. 

"Can we all calm down, please!" Carlisle said trying to defuse the tension while also hoping Aria let go of Isabella as her skin started cracking and you could hear it.

"I'm letting go when she understands that my family and I are not here for her, we are here for Rose and Emmet and that's it."

"But they are part of the Cullen clan and so am I!"

"No, Carlisle I'm sorry to say but me and Emmet want to leave and go back to Mystic Falls or New Orleans with Aria and her family."


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