Chapter 1

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*Third person pov*

The Mikaelson Salvatore family were headed to Forks to help Aria and Jaspers family with the Volturi, Aria, her mates and her kids were in a minivan and it was pretty chaotic.

"I don't want to listen to Panic! At The Disco Hope!"

"Shut up Stiles mom said I can choose the music this time!"

"Hey how about we put something we all fucking like!"

"Theo language!"

"But mom, they started it!"

"We did not!" Both the "twins'' shouted at the same time

"Alright stop it! No more music!"

"MOM!" All of them yelled at the same time.

"Listen to your mother or we will stop this car right here and leave you guys to walk"

"Sorry dad" "Sorry papa Stefan"

"Why do we even have to help them mom? They never helped us." Stiles as usual asked the question all of them wanted a answer to

"Because they are family and family above all"

"I mean we are helping auntie Rose and uncle Emmet but not even uncle Jasper fucking likes them, why should we?"

"Theo, language, and it doesn't matter, if the Volturi win against them they will kill everyone who is present there."

"And that includes auntie Rose and uncle Emmet" Hope came to the realization of what their mother was trying to point out.


"I still don't want to go" Kol said annoyed that his sleep was interrupted by the bickering siblings

"Well I understand why the kids don't want to go but why wouldn't you dear?"

"Because the arsehole who broke your heart is the main reason why this is happening!"

"You know I would never leave you guys, it was in the past." Aria said disappointed that they'd think that

"We know darling, and we don't doubt it but I feel like if we see him I will go all ripper on him Klaus will slap his head off Kol will kill his lover and the kids would burn them alive"

"That does sound tempting dad. I mean we just need a big amount of gasoline and maybe a lighter but it could work."

"No Stiles, we can just let Hope do that" Theo said with a spark of hope in his eyes

"Stiles I'm not going to even question you at this point, and Hope no burning people or places, also Theo don't think about going all serial killer on them"

"Don't worry love, that isn't his job, It's mine." "Klaus!" "Yes papa Klaus!"

"Children all of you!"

"Come on mom you gotta hand it to dad, that was pretty funny!"

"I don't even-"

"Look, we entered Spoons!"

"Forks, Stiles"

"Whatever Hope it's the same thing!"

"No it's not." "Who the hell names a place after a fucking utensil?"

"Langua-" "Let him darling it's pointless"


"Yesss I can finally swear without getting languaged!"

And so the car full of chatter and banter headed closer to the Cullen residence and with the distance getting smaller the anger for a specific Cullen started resurfacing. As soon as the car stopped in the front of the house the kids were out and stretching their legs and popping their backs. As soon as the screeching of tires stopped, Rose and Emmet were in front of the house to greet the Mikaelson Salvatore family.

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