Chapter 4

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*Third person pov*

The Mikaelson Salvatore family had soon arrived at the house that truly was big enough for them, while Kol and Emmet were looking for the owner's number on the 'for sale' sign the family were looking around at the house and the surroundings

"So what do you guys think?"

"It's nice mom although I want to see if we have any space in the backyard for training." Theo already had plans for making his own little training place were he and his siblings could have 'fun' as they called it.

"Oh we can call uncle Magnus or maybe Jace and Alec to train!" "And Izzy!" 

"Yes you can do that, go inside see if you like any rooms so you won't have to fight for them after we buy it." 

As soon as the kids were gone Aria started thinking, did Edward actually deserve an apology or is she wrong. He didn't even bother telling her that it was over she had to find out from Rose, which hurt yeah but not as much as the broken promise. He promised it wouldn't happen he said the only thing that was going to happen was that he would have to somehow calm his thirst, and yet he lied while he was telling her that he can't wait for her to come back to Forks, he was having fun with Isabella. 

She was hurt yes but if that wouldn't have happened she wouldn't have her lovers or her children so in someway she had to thank him, because if it wasn't for the heartbreak she wouldn't feel so accomplished, so  proud, she would not have her three little angels or her overprotective fools.

"Mom I found the attic can I have it?" Hope yelled while climbing on the roof 

"Hope be careful!" Her mother yelled concerned

"It's ok ma we are here in case something happens!" Stiles could be heard from behind Hope while Theo kept telling her to 'be fucking safe woman, mom couldn't handle a replacement child'

"Theo watch your language!" "Ah come on!"

The adults on the ground started laughing, while this was going on a car pulling up could be heard, as soon as the person got out of the car, he saw Aria laughing with Kol and Emmet while Theo was complaining about getting languaged, Stefan was looking around the house to see if anything was in check while Jasper and Rebekah were talking to Zander who had woken up on the way to the house

"Hello! I see you took interest in the house?" 

"Yes mate we did, my wife and I are here on vacation visiting some friends, and we would like something permanent here just in case." Klaus could see the way this human was staring at his wife so he walked a bit in front of the owner trying to intimidate him, and it worked but not for long. Aria heard what was happening and quickly came to her husbands side.

"Hello sir, as my husband said we would like to buy the house."

"Of course ma'am, I would love to help you." The guy said almost flirting with Aria and I believe you can imagine the anger that can be felt from the boys including the triplets.

"Mom I want the attic, Stiles wants a room upstairs and so does Theo." Hope said interrupting the guy as soon as soon as his  starring started making Aria uncomfortable.

"They are your kids?" The owner said while looking Aria up and down "Aren't you a little to young to have kids?"

"I believe that does not concern you." Theo said while glaring daggers (like his father taught him) at the man

"Uh yes sorry uh well I have the papers in the car so if you could sign them ma'am."

"I'll sign 'em mate don't worry."

And so the owner and Klaus went and signed the papers while the rest of the people present started unloading what they had in the car and putting them in the house. The house was fully furnished, it had all the necessities and so the family didn't really need to go shopping, maybe for baby things for Zander and some more things for the terror triplets in case they wanted anything else. But except for that they had everything they needed.

"Hey ma where did grandpa go?"

"He had some things to do in LA."

"Oh when did he leave? Wasn't he in a car with Emmet?"

"Oh he definitely was but he just poofed away." Emmet did in some way the same weird hand gestures that Stiles did 

"Anyway I think I'll just leave you guys to unpacking, I have to go back home and make sure Rose didn't kill Bella and Edward."

"It's okay uncle Emmet, if she didn't I fucking will."

"Theo!" "What!"

"Stop cursing!" "But mom I'm 16!" "I don't care!"

As the sun started setting the family started disappearing into their rooms. The married couples were in their room preparing for bed

"Are you sure you want to go at the Cullens tomorrow, we can stay home darling." Kol said concerned for his wife

"I thought I would never say this but I agree with Kol babe, we can just stay home." Stefan added equally as concerned as Kol 

"It's ok I somehow own it to Carlisle and Esme because they kind of took me in while dad was gone." 

"If you're sure love, then we will go but for now let's go to sleep." Klaus could be heard even if his face was burrowed in the pillow. And so they all went to sleep Klaus and Stefan on either side of her while Kol was laying on Aria's stomach, they felt content they had their kids and nothing would be able to destroy that, and those who tried were met with an unfortunate fate.
  Nobody was going to hurt Aria as long as her lovers, her kids and her father were alive, and let's not forget her sister-in-law and Jasper, while the Mikaelsons are a forced to be reckoned with Jasper and Aria were said to be sent by Death himself, they were the Grim Reapers, or that is what most of the supernatural community called them, even the Volturi was scared of them, as Jasper was the god of war and Aria was the devil's daughter, the only people who weren't scared of them were the people who knew them on a personal level, and still they were slightly scared with Jasper's intimidating aura and Aria's sinister smirk, they could make even the biggest and baddest of them all quiver  before them and that's all they wanted and they slightly counted the Volturi's fear as a bonus.

A/N: Klaus calls Aria love, Kol calls her darling and Stefan calls her babe just so people know, as I ran out of words to describe someone talking and I don't want to repeat them in the same chapter, and if you see somewhere that I misspelled the ripper's name...sorry got the names mixed up...

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