Chapter 12

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Wolfie: Aunt Linda wants to invite you and Chibs over for dinner tonight if the two of you aren't busy. Lmk

Quinn's phone vibrated in his kutte but he couldn't answer it as he was driving. They had some business with Alvarez to take care of and anything personal took a back burner to club business. He had been curious at to what Linda had needed so early in the morning but it wasn't his right to ask. To him, it sounded like she was putting her affairs in order and it was starting to freak his Lil Bit out about it. He followed his Prez and brothers to their designated meeting place with Alvarez and were the first ones there. Each man hopped off their bikes and stood around to await Alvarez to show up.

Quinn sat on the seat of his bike while looking around to make sure they weren't about to be ambushed. Before long, the sound of bikes could be heard coming from the opposite way that they'd come. Alvarez and his crew had finally shown up. Jax held his hand out for the Mexican biker leader to shake. The two men spoke and after a while the conversation got heated. Tig and Happy had their hands on their weapons ready to pull out their guns at a moment's notice. Jax was able to cool the conversation down and after a while, they'd come to an agreement both men were satisfied with. They once again shook hands before heading their separate ways.

The small group of bikers headed back to Charming. Quinn began to think of his Lil Bit and if it had been her that had texted him earlier. 'I wonder what she could have wanted that couldn't wait until tonight to text me?' he thought as he drove along behind his brothers. He'd have to wait until they arrived back at the shop before checking his message. He hoped Linda was alright and nothing had happened to her. Then his mind went back to the feeling of her in his arms as he woke up in her bed with them entangled around one another. He wished he could have another night like that again. The rest of the drive was spent with his mind going over every detail of that morning with a smile.

After he parked his bike, he checked his phone. With a wide smile, he strolled over to Chibs who was chatting with Bobby. Asking to speak with the medic, Chibs excused himself. Quinn asked if he wanted to go have dinner "with the girls" making the Scotsman smile and quickly agree. Quinn just nodded and began to reply to his Lil Bit's earlier text.

Quinn: sorry I haven't replied before now. Club business. Chibs and I would love to have dinner with you ladies this evening. We'll be there around six. See you then!

Her phone buzzing with a next text made her heart beat out of her ribcage. Picking up the device, she found Quinn had finally replied to her. Her aunt was watching TV in her chair in the living room and dozing off as she did. She knew how long she had before she had to start dinner that night and she'd have to cut her stream short slightly. The meat was thawing for that night's dinner and she had all the ingredients to make her own homemade garlic spread for garlic bread that her aunt loved so much. She hoped Quinn and Chibs would enjoy dinner as much as her aunt did even though she had a hard time getting her aunt to eat very much.

She had her stream going and was playing Apex Legends andwas chatting with the people in her chat as much as possible. She answeredquestions, replied to comments, and gave recommendations when asked for them.She told the group that she would be taking a poll on the night stream to seewhat everyone wanted her to play that night instead of her choosing. Peoplewere already voicing their opinions making her laugh and tell them to savetheir votes for the night stream. She'd have a poll ready for a certain lengthof time and at the end of the time period, which ever game had the most votesis the one she'd play that night.

Someone commented that was one of the reasons they loved her streams so much is she did her best to make them as interactive as possible which made her smile and thank them. Several people donated low amounts and quite a few donated large amounts which she always thanked each and every one who donated to her. She knew they didn't have to and she wanted them to know how grateful she really was for their generosity. She made almost fifteen hundred that afternoon alone as she played and commented on her game and teammates. Before long, it was time for her to shut the stream down for the afternoon so she could go make dinner. She promised she'd be back for the evening stream and to be thinking of what games they all wanted to see her play.

Quinn was really looking forward to getting off work that afternoon. Happy wondered what was up with his brother as the tall, burly man went to quickly clean himself up after work. Chibs had done the same although he wasn't in quite the hurry Quinn was. Quick showers and dressing in clean clothes and both men were ready for their evening. Quinn waved at Happy as he made his way through the clubhouse and out to his bike. 'Must be some piece of pussy he's chasing!' Happy thought to himself as he sat at his table and sipped his beer. Chibs made it to his bike as Quinn was starting his up. The pair rode to Linda's house together each with their own thoughts about how the night was going to end.

Aria had the meat cooking in a skillet and noodles in a pot as she was preparing the garlic spread when there came a knock at the door. Not wanting her aunt to waste any energy, she shouted she'd get it. Upon opening the door, she found Quinn and Chibs standing there smiling at her. She returned their smiles and welcomed them back to their home. "Aunt Linda's in the living room, Chibs. Can I get you anything to drink?" Aria asked making both men shake their heads no. Chibs quickly made his way into the living room to visit with his friend. It had been a few weeks since he'd seen her last and was a bit shocked to see how much weight she'd lost since then.

"'ey there, lass! 'ow're ya feeling?" Chibs questioned his new friend.

"The treatments aren't doing what they should." She sighed, "I need something from you."

Chibs reached over and grabbed her hand, "Anything, love. Name it."

"Aria's going to be devastated when I die. We both know it's coming. I've been putting my affairs in order and I think she realizes it. She's such a sweet girl and has been such a huge help to me these past few months." Linda took a few deep breaths.

"I'm listenin' love." Chibs urged her to go on.

"She can support herself with what she makes from streaming so I know she'll be ok financially. What she'll need is emotional support. I know your friend has become quite close to her over the last few months. Please look out for her after I'm gone. She's going to take my death hard especially after she already had to deal with the loss of her parents at a young age. Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid in anger over how things turn out." Linda explained.

"I promise ya, we'll keep a good eye on 'er. I know Quinn will, 'e's rather infatuated with the lass." Chibs chuckled.

"He seems like a good man. She's a bit infatuated with him too going by how she giggles and laughs at night." Linda exclaimed, "I'm leaving everything to her in my will. I'm sure my son will show up at some point wanting stuff but he turned his back on me when I needed him the most. I don't believe the self-serving little shit deserves a thing from me when Aria literally packed up her whole life to move down here to look after me when she didn't have to."

"We'll keep an eye out for 'im as well." Chibs stated.

"Thank you, Filip. This eases my mind some. Now...we're fast approaching the point where all they can do is comfort measures for me. Soon after that I'll be put into the hospital on hospice care." Linda explained.

"Your gonna be missed, love. Not just by your niece." Chibs told her earning a sad smile in return from her.

"I'm going to miss our chats, Filip. Don't mourn over me, though. I've had a good life and I've come to terms with how things have turned out." Linda gave his hand a squeeze.

"Can't 'elp but mourn over those we 'old dear. But I won't drown myself in a bottle if that's wha' your worried about." Chibs explained.

"Good. Now. How has your day been?" Linda steered the conversation away from her illness and issues.

In the kitchen, Quinn hopped up on a counter and was just watching Aria as she prepared their dinner for the night. She asked him about his day so he told her about his work at the garage and the stubborn car he was working on. He told her they had some club business to attend to that had gone well earning a head nod in response. The conversation was light as she went about cooking for the four of them. As she was nearly done cooking, he asked what he could do to help. She had him set the table for her and get glasses of tea for everyone. He did as she asked earning a smile in thanks.

A/N: Please review and vote below!

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