Chapter 23

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He awoke before she did the next morning and found they were in much the same position as when he'd fallen asleep. Only her leg was draped over his and her arm was over his stomach and her head was still resting on his chest. He began rubbing her back as he laid there thinking of their relationship, how they'd met, how she immediately went to him when they'd been attacked by L.O.A.N., how they always texted at night after she finished her nightly stream, and how close they'd gotten over the last few months. He watched her sleeping so peacefully and it made him smile. When she began to arouse from her slumber, she stretched and pushed herself into him earning a low moan in response.

Seeing him laying next to her made her smile sleepily. He greeted her good morning before kissing her forehead. There were things she needed to take care of and visiting her aunt's lawyer was at the top of the list. He leaned down and softly pressed his lips to hers before she detangled herself from him. He remained in bed and watched as she picked out a pair of black skinny jeans, a nice ¾ sleeve button down shirt, and a cute pair of heels before walking into the bathroom. With a heavy sigh, he got up to get dressed. While she was taking a shower, he headed downstairs to make some coffee for them. He wasn't a cook, he did good to not burn water, but he knew how to make coffee since he did it quite often at the clubhouse.

He was sipping on a cup when she finally made it downstairs. With a smile, he complimented her on how good she looked earning a soft smile in return. With all she had to get done, she apologized about not making breakfast. He waved her off and said getting breakfast wasn't a requirement of him staying over. "It's a nice perk but not a requirement." he stated making her laugh some. Once she'd finished her coffee, she decided it was time for her to get her tasks done. He walked her to the door where they stood kissing for a few moments. He told her he was just a phone call away if she needed him and he'd probably be at the shop most of the day working. She locked the door as he was making his way to his bike. She piled into her SUV and headed off for her aunt's lawyer since Linda had told her he had all the paperwork she would need for her arrangements.


Quinn was getting worried. It had been several days since Linda's funeral. All the arrangements had already been made so Aria didn't have to worry about anything. The young woman received her aunt's entire estate including the money in her bank accounts which was a substantial amount since she was a frugal woman. Normally Aria would text him after her night streams but for the past several days, she hadn't and it was starting to worry the tall, bearded biker. Chibs suggested they head over to her house and check up on her since he was a bit worried about her as well. Tig opted to go in case something had happened that was club related since there had been a few veiled threats against the club.

Once they arrived at her house, the trio looked around the outside but nothing seemed out of sorts. He knocked on the door but no one answered. He began to pound on it hoping she was just sleeping and hadn't heard him knocking before. When she finally answered the door, he wasn't prepared for what he saw. She was in her long tank top looking nightgown, a bottle of Jack in one hand, she looked like she hadn't slept in days, and she was clearly drunk. He gasped seeing his Lil Bit in such a state and kicked himself for not checking on her more after the funeral.

"Hey there big boy! Whatcha doing here?" She giggled as she held herself up with the door.

"Lil Bit you are a mess." He shook his head.

"I'm fine." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Chibs, mind making some pancakes and coffee for us while I get her situated?" Quinn asked.

"Sure lad." Chibs replied before walking around them into the kitchen.

Quinn picked her up and threw her over his shoulder making her giggle and smack his ass. Tig shut the door and walked into the living room. There were liquor and beer bottles littered everywhere and that didn't seem like her at all. It worried even Tig to see the binge she'd gone on. Chibs looked through the cabinets to get the ingredients for pancakes after he put on a pot of coffee. Quinn headed straight for the bathroom where he set her on the toilet while he got the shower going. She giggled when he told her to strip. "Tryna get me naked, huh?" she laughed making him shake his head at her once more. Once the water was a decent temperature, and she was naked, he helped her inside. She was in no condition to bathe herself so he stripped down and climbed into the shower with her.

She giggled as he washed her hair. He tried getting her to bathe herself but it was a struggle so he finally gave up and bathed her himself. He wasn't sure what Aria drunk was like until he got her in the shower. She was very frisky and made all sorts of innuendos while he bathed her. The burly biker even went so far as to shave her legs for her which just made her giggle and play with his hair. Once she was clean, he turned the water off and helped her out of the shower. He dried her off before redressing. Wrapping the towel around her small frame, he ushered her into her room so he could find her some clean clothes to put on. She was able to get dressed with his help. He had her stand in front of him with her back to him so he could brush her hair out for her. Once all the tangles were out of it, he figured it was time to see about getting some real food into her since he didn't know when the last time she actually ate or what it was.

"Come on, Lil Bit. Let's go see about getting some food into you." He grabbed her hand and led her back downstairs.

"Why's your hair wet?" Tig asked as Quinn helped her into a seat when they entered the kitchen.

"She was in no condition to stand in the shower by herself so I had to hop in too." Quinn answered, "How's breakfast coming?"

"Got a few made already. Get some plates out for us if ya will." Chibs replied, "Coffee's ready too."

Tig watched as Quinn grabbed plates and silverware and set the table before pouring two cups of coffee. He fixed her a cup and then his then brought both to the table. Quinn fixed one plate for Aria and pushed it over telling her to eat. She wanted to argue with him but he got stern with her. With a heavy sigh she finally started eating making Quinn sigh with relief. He hoped getting something solid into her stomach would help ease her out of her drunkenness. Once Chibs had finished making pancakes, he brought them all to the table where he and Tig found seats. Quinn thanked the Scotsman earning a shake of the head.

"My pleasure. Besides, I promised Linda I'd help look after the lass." Chibs told him.

"I should have checked in with her more often after the funeral. She'd never be in this state if I had." Quinn stated.

"You don't know tha', brotha." Chibs countered.

"The liquor and beer bottles in the living room say she's been on a bender for a few days at least." Tig added in.

Quinn sighed as he looked over at her. He urged her to keep eating making her glare at him. All she wanted was to crawl back into her drunken haze and forget life.

"Lil Bit, you haven't been streaming in this state, have you?" Quinn finally asked.

"No. Told my viewers there was a death in the family and I'd be taking a week or so off." She replied.

"Good. No one needs to see you like this." He stated making her look over at him, "I just mean you have a good reputation and I'd hate for you to ruin that over temporary feelings."

She sighed knowing he was right. It was why she'd given her followers a warning she was taking a week off from streaming. He made sure she ate at least two whole pancakes plus her cup of coffee. When she was done, he told her to head into the living room. He finished his breakfast then went to pour her a glass of OJ to get some fluids besides beer or liquor in her. She had her head leaned back against the couch when he entered. He made her drink the glass of juice while he sat there. She looked around her living room and sighed.

A/N: Please review and vote below!

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