Chapter 27

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Aria raised an eyebrow making Tara laugh. The doctor suggested they find a seat so they could talk more. The brunette wanted to know just how she met Quinn which Aria was happy to explain. Tara was shocked when Aria explained about her and her aunt being attacked in their home and how she could only think of Quinn to come help them. It shocked her when he brought several other people with him but laughed and said knowing him better now it made sense. She'd gotten to know Chibs a bit since he came over on several occasions to have dinner with them and visit with her aunt. Tara just nodded as she listened to her new friend explain about her aunt's illness and why she'd moved to Charming in the first place.

The bikers all began to leave the clubhouse making Aria sigh. She hated not knowing what was going on but figured Quinn would tell her when he was ready or able to. For now, she sat with Tara talking about her life and then Tara's life with Jax, how they met, how she went off to Chicago for medical school then came back, and their children. Tara pointed out their boys who were roaming around the clubhouse making Aria coo at the sight of them. Tara explained how the club works in case Quinn hadn't said anything to the young woman and gave her tips on how to deal with things. Tips like keeping an overnight bag packed so she wouldn't have to rush around packing when lockdown was called and keeping travel sizes in her bag so she didn't have to bring the full bottles of her shampoo and body wash and stuff.

Aria liked chatting with Tara and the doctor decided she liked Quinn's love interest. They chatted like old friends and seemed to get along well. Aria didn't know which room she'd be sleeping in since Quinn hadn't shown it to her when they'd arrived. The pair just sat there talking about work, the club, Tara showed off her crow tattoo after she explained what it meant, Aria told her new friend about the conversation she'd had just that morning with Quinn about her getting his ink making Tara smile and congratulate her. It made Aria's face tint and want to change the subject. Tara was surprised to discover Aria was a streamer and played video games for donations for a living. Aria just laughed and said she'd been doing it since she was eighteen and made a good living of it.

Quinn, Jax, Happy, Chibs, and Tig rode out to meet the leader of the new L.O.A.N. group who were threatening to kill everyone associated with the Sons so they could peddle their meth in Charming. Not taking the threat lightly, Jax decided to call for a lockdown to keep everyone safe while they dealt with the group. He wasn't expecting this meeting to go well or end with a positive outcome but he knew he had to go and try. If not for Charming's sake than for his club's. Tig stood close by to protect his Prez with Chibs, Happy, and Quinn spread out behind them, hands on their guns as they awaited the group to arrive. Two white older model SUV's arrived and five guys got out of each one.

"I didn't think you'd show." The L.O.A.N. leader, Michael, stated.

"Why's that?" Jax asked.

"Didn't think you had the balls. We're going to make good on killing you if you stand in our way. Weston was a pussy and couldn't get shit done. I'm not as easily intimidated as he was." Michael told him.

"We'll annihilate all of you and blow up all of your labs before we let you sell meth in Charming." Jax retorted making Michael laugh.

"The Sons are over in this town. You can't stop progress." Michael stated.

"Watch us." Jax replied.

Michael's men suddenly drew their guns making the five bikers pull their guns out as well.

"This doesn't have to go down like this. Sell anywhere else, just stay out of Charming." Jax tried to reason.

"No. I'll sell where I want to." Michael motioned for his men to start shooting.

Gun fire was heard, men scattered, and adrenaline began pumping. Tig shot at the SUV's hoping hit the gas tank and blow them up. Quinn was doing his best to not get shot while shooting at moving targets. Jax received a grazing gunshot wound to his arm as he aimed at Michael who ducked out of the way just in time to avoid being shot. Being outnumbered two-to-one, Jax finally motioned for them to fall back. Another approach was needed to deal with the scum trying to sell meth in Charming. They rushed to their bikes and quickly sped off leaving dust and bullet casings in their wake. Quinn's adrenaline was pumping and he wanted to take his 'ol lady right then and there.

Around dinner time the bikers hadn't returned yet so Gemma asked Aria and Tara to help her make dinner for everyone hoping they'd return soon. The two women walked into the small kitchen to help with the meal prep. As they were peeling potatoes, seasoning meat, and chopping vegetables, the group of bikers finally returned. Jax called church immediately so all the patched members headed into the chapel. The blond biker leader explained what went down with the L.O.A.N. group and that reasoning with them wasn't working. He explained they were adamant about pushing meth in Charming and that the Sons couldn't stop them from doing so.

Bobby asked what his plan was for stopping them making the blond look around the table. "Reasoning doesn't work with them. Asking them nicely hasn't worked. We're going to have to get bloody on this one." Jax replied earning head nods from a few of his brothers. Bobby was getting tired of all the violence and having to use force but understood it was the way the club handled most problems. And they had tried to reason with L.O.A.N. first instead of getting violent. Tig was all for just finding out where they all lived and systematically annihilating them. Happy concurred with Tig's idea making Jax shake his head. "We need to be smart about how we go about this and not have any blowback on us." Bobby stated making his Prez agree with him.

"Then what do we do then?" Opie inquired.

"We shut down every meth lab we find. If they attack us while we do, then we take those guys out. Eventually he's going to run out of people to work for him if they're all getting killed in action." Jax suggested.

"Fair enough. Do we have any ideas where one of their labs are now? Because we're getting information he's already selling in Charming." Bobby asked.

"Juice, go find out what you can. Press any connections you have at the police station." Jax told the IO.

"When we find out where it's at, we'll go take it down." Jax stated.

"What about the lockdown?" Tig asked.

"We keep it until they are no longer threatening us." Jax exclaimed.

"That could take weeks! Or longer!" Juice's eyes widened.

"Then we'll be on lockdown for a while." Jax stated, "Unless we can get them to leave us alone and not be selling meth in Charming quickly."

"I'm telling you, man, just going out and annihilating them all will solve the problem." Tig offered again.

"We'll save that as a last resort." Jax shook his head.

Tig scoffed but remained quiet. With nothing else to say, Jax slammed the gavel down and the biker began filtering out of the chapel. Chibs told Jax to come to his dorm and he'd get his arm cleaned and fixed up for him. Quinn looked around to let Aria know they might be on lockdown for a while but didn't see her anywhere. Suddenly he heard her laughter and had to smile. It was coming from the kitchen so he walked to stand in the door and found her chatting and cooking with Tara and Gemma. It made him feel good that she was getting along with everyone and seemed to be integrating into his life like this. Before she saw him, he moved to sit with Happy to have a discussion.

"Hey man, I need a favor." Quinn stated earning a raised eyebrow from his brother, "I want you to draw me up a crow tattoo. Something feminine and pretty."

"You gonna ink that young girl?" Happy inquired.

"Yep." Quinn replied with a grin.

"Grats brother. I'll get to work on it tonight." Happy told him.

"Thanks. This means a lot." Quinn stated as he waved the prospect over for a beer.

The pair slipped into a comfortable silence as they watched everyone around them. The children running around playing with the other children. The various groups of people chatting away and laughing as if nothing were wrong. Good smells emanating from the kitchen letting them know dinner was being lovingly prepared for them. The prospects running around making sure everyone had everything they needed and cleaning up spills and accidents as they were instructed to. Despite the danger the club brought into his life, Quinn knew he wouldn't live his life any other way. Besides, if he hadn't transferred to the mother charter, he'd have never met the love of his life.

A/N: Think it'll take a few weeks for the club to deal with L.O.A.N.? Will they be safe at the clubhouse?

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