Chapter 11

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Things had gotten back into their normal routine since the attack. Except Aria and Quinn would text back and forth at night after she was done with her nightly stream. Her aunt was starting to need more care as her treatments made her ill. Aria went to all her aunt's doctor's appointments each week and hated to hear that the treatments didn't seem to be slowing down the disease. It took her off guard one day when Linda asked her to drive her to her lawyer's office. She had Aria stay outside while she handled her business making Aria curious as to what was going on.

Linda never said a word to Aria about what business she had with her lawyer and it worried her some. Had she not been taking good care of her aunt? She hadn't agreed to help Linda out solely to get something from her but she hoped her aunt trusted her enough and thought she was doing a good job of helping her while she was sick and wouldn't give her son anything in her will. Aria didn't believe he deserved a thing since he all but refused to come help his ailing mother. HIS MOTHER! It sickened Aria especially since her own parents had died when she was young and she hadn't had them around like her cousin did. After her stream, she sent a text to Quinn asking his opinion.

Wolfie: Quinn, Aunt Linda had me take her to her lawyer's office and I wasn't allowed to go in like I usually am. I'm worried about her.

Quinn had been laying in his bed waiting for her nightly text to come through. Their banter was usually light and flirty but tonight it seemed Aria was stressed.

Quinn: she's probably putting things in order especially after you telling me her doctor says things are not looking good. Probably just wants to make sure everything is the way she wants it to be in her will and might even be planning her own funeral so it's exactly how she wants it without stressing you out about it.

Reading what her friend had written her didn't ease her apprehension any.

Wolfie: I hope she isn't giving her no-good son a damn thing in her will. He's a selfish, self-serving jack-off who refuses to come help his ill mother!

Quinn: calm down, Lil Bit. Whatever she's doing to her will is her decision and you'll have to live with it. Besides, that woman loves you and I'm sure she won't forget all the help you've given her since you moved down here.

Wolfie: *sigh* I know you're right. But I lost my parents when I was young and it pisses me off something fierce to see him treat her this way. Especially knowing there's a good chance she could....

Aria couldn't even finish the sentence before she sent the send button. He knew what she was getting at as he read over the text. She'd told him about her parents' accident when she was a young child and how her grandparents had raised her since they lived right next door to them. It saddened him to read her texts about it and he wished he could ease some of the pain she'd gone through as a child and teen.

Quinn: Don't over-think things, ok? How'd your streams go? Make any money tonight? 😉

She had to smile at him.

Wolfie: made about a grand tonight. The streams were good. Lots of new subscribers and followers which is always a good thing. Some faces popped up I haven't seen in a while because of IRL issues they're dealing with. New faces in the stream tonight. Gonna be co-streaming with an online friend of mine tomorrow afternoon so that should be entertaining.

It still blew his mind at how people just gave her money simply for watching her play video games. She was good at it and was able to support herself so who was he to say anything?

Wolfie: how did your day go? Busy at the auto shop I guess or lots of secretive club stuff you can't tell me about? 😉 😉 😉

He had to smirk at her sassiness. Normally the sarcasm would get on his nerves but he knew she was just playing with him.

Quinn: mostly busy working on a stubborn bike today. Nothing exciting to speak of. Tig nearly popped Juice in the head with a wrench over a comment but that's about it.

Hearing about his day made her smile as she laid there.

Wolfie: poor boy is going to have brain damage before long! 😂😂😂😂

He chuckled knowing she was right. Juice, although a fully patched member and had been for some time, was still treated as a prospect most of the time. Quinn always wondered why but never asked.

Quinn: probably. So...what are you wearing this evening? 😉

She smirked at the question. They'd gotten flirty before but nothing like this.

Wolfie: my long tank nightshirt and a pair of black lace boy short

His heart nearly leapt into his throat when she actually replied. He figured she'd either tell him it was none of his business or completely ignore the question. But she had answered! Not only that, but she seemed to want to know what he was wearing too!

Quinn: just laying in bed wearing nothing but a pair of blue and white striped sound sexy in what you're wearing 😍😘😘😘😘

She smirked hoping to get some sort of reaction out of him and that's exactly what she got.

Wolfie: don't sound so bad yourself 😉

Wolfie: sorry to cut this short but I need to get up early to take Aunt Linda to an appointment early tomorrow. I'll talk to you later!

He was sad she had to go especially with the conversation just getting heated. She was already getting him aroused and now he had little to work with other than the one morning he'd woken up with her in her bed after she and her aunt had been attacked. She hadn't lied to him although she wasn't anticipating the conversation getting as heated as it started too. That was a first even though they did flirt quite often in their late-night conversations. Her Aunt Linda had a meeting at her bank that Aria had to take her to although Linda told her she would need to wait out in the car while she took care of her business. It bothered Aria but wasn't going to go against what her aunt wanted of her.

After a quick shower the next morning, she dressed in a pair of distressed jeans, a plain black razorback tank, and some black and white Adios sneakers. Aria fixed them breakfast and helped her aunt into a chair at the table when she was ready for the day. As badly as she wanted to ask what her aunt was up to, she figured it was better to keep her questions to herself for the time being. It was her aunt's business and if the older woman wanted her to know, she was surely tell her about it. That's what Aria kept telling herself when her curiosity began to get the better of her.

Shortly after breakfast, Aria helped her aunt into her car and drove her down to her bank for the meeting she had. Aria helped her inside making Linda thank her and told her she'd call when she was ready to leave. Aria just nodded and walked back outside to await by the car. The sound of several bikes could be heard making her heart leap into her throat. One of those bikes could belong to Quinn and they hadn't seen one another in a few weeks despite texting pretty much every night. She noticed one slowed down and waved at her making her wave back as he continued on with the rest of the bikers. It wasn't Quinn because he didn't have the long hair or beanie so she thought it might've been Chibs.

It was close to two and a half hours before her aunt called and said she was ready to leave. Aria walked back into the building to help her aunt back out to her car. "Want to go get some lunch at the diner?" Aria questioned. Her aunt agreed although she wasn't very hungry. The younger woman drove them to the diner and quickly parked. She rushed around to help her aunt out of the vehicle and then ushered her into the building and to the closest booth to the door. Linda wanted water and Aria chose Dr. Pepper as they looked over their menus. "You should invite your friend and Chibs over for dinner tonight. If they're not busy." Linda suddenly told her niece taking the younger woman totally off guard. Aria stated she would and asked what she wanted her to cook for them. "Spaghetti and your garlic bread." Linda replied with a smile.

A/N: Please review/vote/add this to your library so you never miss an update!

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