~*~Author POV

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Author POV

"We need Jimin to come in immediately" a voice came out of the phone the nurse was using.

Jimin could hear the voice. He sat beside Rin and Kookie. He was teaching Jungkook shapes. Jungkook's favourite shape so far was a circle. It was the only word he had committed to memory so far.

"I'm sorry but I cannot send him" the nurse parried.

"Why are you talking about me?" Jimin inquired.

The nurse made a gesture for him to be quiet. Jimin did so but with annoyance. The nurse put the phone down a minute later with an exasperated huff.

"Who was it and why did they need me?" Jimin asked.

"It was the camps. They said you were a teacher there" the nurse told him.

"I am, my Dad too" Jimin informed her.

"Apparently a panther and tiger shifter went out of control and attacked the guards. They still haven't been able to calm them down so far." The nurse sighed.

"They said they had been transferred to a different camp though." Jimin thought aloud.

"They are sending someone to come and pick you up and take you there to calm them down." The nurse told him.

"But don't they need permission from my Dad for that?" Jimin asked.

"Yes they do, but the ignored that when I told them." The nurse responded.

Soon a man came to pick him up. Jimin followed along behind him. Both reluctant and a little excited. Reluctant to leave the safety of his family, but excited to see the panther and the tiger shifters again.

It was a quick drive to the camps from the hospital.


"Thank goodness you are here" the woman was quick to usher Jimin along the corridors to a training room.

"What happened?" Jimin asked.

"We can't explain it. One minute they were calm, the next they were attacking the guards desperately trying to leave" the camp worker told him.

Then Jimin realised what it was. It was his fault. Both the panther and tiger shifters had begun bonds with him. And if Jungkook said that he had been able to track him through the bond to the hospital. Then the shifters would have been able to feel his emotions during the fight against the workers who were trying to take away Kookie. Feeling his fear and acting on it, in an attempt to try to come and defend him from the danger he was facing.

"They have currently sent over 20 workers into hospital from their attacks. We need you to calm them down. We thought if we put them in a training room it would help. More space to release the emotions, but it hasn't helped in the slightest." The camp worker told him.

Jimin nodded and followed her. They went into an observation room. Jimin watched as the shifters tried to break down the reinforced doors. There were a fair amount of deeply ingrained scratches and claw marks on the walls, floor and doors.

"Anything else I need to know?" Jimin asked.

They tried to dress him in a padded jacket to try and protect him if they were to attack him. Jimin refused it.

"Not that I am aware of. Be careful" the camp workers led him to the door. They left and Jimin was allowed to slip into the room alone.

He treaded carefully, making himself look apprehensive, though he was anything but that. Trying to look afraid and unsure for the camp workers, fooling them.

He sat down in the centre of the training room, hands on his knees, palms up. He heard panting and then the panther and tiger shifters were bounding over.

Ecstatic to see their human, the panther shifter was all but climbing onto his back, nuzzling his head into Jimin's hair, making the human's back arch forward from the weight. The tiger shifter on the other hand flopped down before him and lay calmly with his head on Jimin's lap.

They were like over grown house cats excited to see their human. He heard the workers in the room, their microphones on.

"How did he do that?" One of them speculated.

"I don't know but he is good. Maybe he can help with some of our other predators shifters. They all seem to drop submissively before his feet" another said. He thinks it was one of the scientists.

"How you doing Inky?" He asked the panther.

The panther lolled its tounge out and nuzzled him again. Jimin reached out a hand and stroked it calmly through the shifter's fur. The panther arching into his touch when he scratched behind his ears.

He did the same for the tiger shifter in his lap, the large black and orange striped cat purring gently. Thrilled by the soft and affectionate touch. Jimin wondered what it would be like to have the panther and tiger at home with him.

They would probably get along well with Rin. At least Jimin hopes they would. He wondered what the shifters before him names were. What their human forms looked like. He hated that the collars prevented them from shifting between forms.

"Thank you Jimin" the voice came over the microphone into the room. The 2 big cat shifters bristled at the sound, letting out deep guttural growls in warning. Eyes scanning to find out the source of the sound.

Jimin nudged them and pointed discreetly towards the mirror. To show them where the voices where coming from. The shifters trained their eyes upon the mirror.

"Jimin we need you to keep them calm while someone comes in to sedate them so we can get them back to their rooms." The scientist behind the mirrored wall said.

Jimin wanted to yell no at her. But he was already in deep water with the camps finding out they had the wolf shifter Jungkook. So he hid the grimace and nodded.

"I'm going to have to go. Thank you for protecting me" Jimin whispered so only they could hear.

They didn't understand what he meant, they only continued to nuzzle him affectionately. Content to be with their human.


So we could potentially be meeting more shifters next chapter.

I just realised we are 22 chapters in and we haven't even met all of them. We have Jungkook, the panther and the tiger. We still have 3 unseen shifters left.

What other animals do you think the others will be out of curiosity.

I have a feeling this book will be longer than I initially anticipated. And I hope you will like it.





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