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~*~Author POV

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Author POV

Getting the group of children home had proven more difficult after Namjoon's melt down. Jaymin had to stop him from opening all the packets of gummy polar bears so the child could 'free' them.

He had to buy 3 packets since Namjoon had gotten his hands onto them before he could react. To say Namjoon was devastated when the gummy polar bears didn't walk away when they were free of the packets was an understatement.

He had silently cried all the way home. The others had let Namjoon sit next to Jimin, the other had ran his hands through the white hair all the way home. The polar bear shifter sobbing into his shoulder.

Jaymin won't even mention what happened with Taehyung and his cereal box. Let's just say he just about terrified the cashier at the pay desk when it came to buy the items.


Now within the safety of their own home Jaymin addressed the second issue since they had now fixed the food problem.

"We need to get some stuff for you lot. Clothing, furniture, toys if you want them." Jaymin said.

"What is toy?" Hoseok asked, his make up had been removed when they got home showing his orange shifter mark once again.

"Like this" Jimin pulled out one of his stuffed toys. Jungkook's favourite.

Hoseok reached out for it, but Jungkook was quick to react, snatching it out of Jimin's hands and pulling the stuffed toy into his chest. Baring his fangs while he did so.

"That one is Jungkook's toy, but we can get you some of your own" Jaymin told them.

"I want" Taehyung stated.

Jin stood at the back, he didn't know how to react. On one hand he didn't want a 'toy' that made him a child. But on the other hand the small part inside of him was begging for a soft comfort item. The 12 year old boy was undecided in his choice.

He looked to Yoongi, he knew the other boy was just one year younger than him at age 11. But he seemed on board with the idea too, though he didn't verbally say it. Yoongi had never been one to talk even when he was allowed to.

The first time Jin had seen Yoongi open up alittle is when he mentioned meeting his human when they were in a training session within the camps. Since Jin, Taehyung and Yoongi were all big cat shifters they trained together as they were able to have similar fighting styles.

"Jimin I would like you to unpack some of your boxes today. The faster we get the boxes out of the room the more we will have to work with" Jaymin told his son.

Jimin nodded, looking reluctant to do so.

"We help?" Namjoon asked, wiping at his eyes that were still red rimmed from crying.

"Sure, it will certainly go faster if you help. I am going to go and make brunch since we haven't had breakfast or lunch" Jaymin stated and he left the room with Rin by his side.

Jimin began to pull the tape off the cardboard boxes, he pulled out the sticky stars that had adorned the ceiling of his old bedroom.

"Stars!" Jungkook said with delight. Jimin handed him the packet, Jungkook looked at the stars that helped him sleep at night. The 8 year old boy loved them to bits.

Taehyung looked over Jungkook's shoulder curious as to what it was that had grabbed the wolf shifter's attention. Jungkook who didn't like to share showed the older shifter. He wanted them to like the stars too.

"Star?" Taehyung pointed at them.

Jungkook nodded.

"Stars go on ceiling, pretty glow" Jungkook gestured to the ceiling with delight.

You could see the moment Taehyung's eyes lit up with wonder as he tried to imagine them.

"I put up" Taehyung pointed to himself then the ceiling.

The shifters saw no problem with that as Jimin emptied the boxes in his own world.

Thats how they ended up with Yoongi, Taehyung and Jin using their claws and agile feline bodies to climb up onto the ceiling to put up the stars.

Jaymin who had come up to tell them that brunch was ready was immediately sent into a parental panic at the situation before him.

Rin growled out, that caught all of the shifters attention as they turned to the eldest shifter.

Yoongi was holding onto the ceiling with his hands and immediately dropped down onto the bed beneath him. Jin climbed down the wall, the same way he had gotten up there. But Taehyung had been startled by the growl that had erupted from Rin's throat.

Scared he had latched onto the ceiling harder in fear. Jaymin hissed in pain as he reached his arms up and wrapped them around the tiger shifter's waist yanking him out of his tight hold on the ceiling. Placing him down onto his feet beside Rin.

Rin without hesitation scruffed the tiger, teaching him a lesson. Taehyung went limp as he was shook slightly.

"We don't climb on ceilings. That is dangerous and you could have been seriously hurt. I am not a doctor, and I can't take you to a doctor without a high risk of you being taken back to the camps" Jaymin scolded, he didn't like the way the fear crept up in the children's eyes at the mention of the camps.

But that was the only way Jaymin knew they would understand the severity of their actions.

"You send us back?" Namjoon inquired, his voice shaky and unsure.

Immediately all of the shifters, minus Jungkook dropped to their knees and reached out to Jaymin. All muttering apologies, even if they hadn't been the ones in trouble. But the one thing that stood out the most to Jaymin was:

'Please don't send us back'.

To see such fear in the eyes of children who weren't even into their teenage years terrified the man and made him feel sick to his core.

"Don't worry, I won't let them take you" he reached out a hand to stroke the boy's hair, Namjoon lent up into the touch, a wavering smile on his face.


Why does it always become angsty. I'm sorry.

Next chapter is fluffy though so don't worry. It includes 3 big cat shifter children and a bunch of empty cardboard boxes.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.




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