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~*~Author POV

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Author POV

Jimin awoke, quickly noticing that he was surrounded by the shifters he had met last night. They were all in their human forms and sleeping in rather uncomfortable positions.

He got up, side stepping around them. He was hungry for breakfast so he went to seek out his father. He didn't know whether they had anything in the kitchen or not. Since they had just moved in last night and the fridge and cupboards may not be stocked yet.

He entered the dark bedroom, noticing Rin in his father's bed as always. Rin had shifted back into his lion form in the night in order to not be caught unawares by Jimin should he come to find his father for any reason.

Rin reached his large head up when he heard Jimin enter the room and nudged at Jaymin's hand, until he woke up, bleary eyed and confused. They soon heard rumbling growls sound through the house much like they had last night.

Jungkook was first to arrive on the scene, latching himself onto Jimin's side. Now feeling like he had to stake his claim since the new comers had arrived. Jimin merely held his hand, used to the clingy behaviour of the younger boy.

"Morning" Jaymin greeted him when he was more awake.

"Dad do we have anything in the cupboards for breakfast?" Jimin asked.

"No, we need to go shopping." Jaymin responded rubbing at his eyes. But they immediately shot open when he realised he would need to take them all to the shops.

He couldn't leave 7 children at home by themselves. He let out a groan and pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes, he could feel the impending headache coming on at the thought of the task at hand.

Rin clearly shared the same sentiment as they both watched as the 5 other shifters entered the room and immediately latched themselves onto Jimin.

In that moment Jaymin realised these children aside from Jimin and Jungkook had no idea how society worked, they had been in the camps all their lives and never experienced the outside world. If they were anything like Jungkook their language would be impaired and they manners almost none existent. Jungkook was still unbelievablely naive about the simplest things despite being out of the camps for over a year now.

"We need to find you some clothing. We can't take you out like this" Jaymin instructed them.

He stood up of the bed, Rin held out his cane in his teeth, Jaymin took it thankfully.

Jimin followed his father out of the bedroom and back down to his room. Once they entered the room Jaymin turned to look at the gaggle of children beside him. They all looked at him expectantly with large eyes.

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