a new friend

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     we sat around the same table at the bar where we first met. everyone one there seemed to know something i didn't. i looked toward ben, questioningly. he whispered "mat's never late." we had been sitting there for nearly 20 minutes and mat still hadn't shown. i was nearly to the end of my first drink. larry cracked a few jokes about why mat might be late, and it certainly did ease the mood. then, he walked in, arm around a girl. "sorry i'm late, lost track of time." he shared a knowing look with the girl. she was pretty, long blonde hair that laid straight all the way to her waist. i honestly felt insecure looking at her. she was short, about 5'3 or so. "hi, sorry for keeping him," she giggled. "i'm (choose name or C/N)." she had a very sweet, high pitched voice. once she was introduced, everyone began talking and joking as if nothing had happened. "here, i'll go get more drinks," i announced. once i got, up, ben just naturally followed me. "what do you think," he asked. "about C/N." i though for a moment. what do i think about her? she seemed nice enough. "i don't know yet." ben looked at the ground and chuckled. "yeah, me neither." we came back with the drinks and sat down.

     C/N stood up to go to the washroom and looked expectingly at martha and i. i supposed she wanted us to follow, so i did. we reached the washroom and we started to talk while she fixed her makeup. the more i spoke to her, the more i liked her. she was down-to-earth and understanding. once we left, and sat back at the table, i had a new sort of respect for her. at the end of the night, we traded numbers. ben approached me saying, "you left your car here last week." i chuckled. "don't worry, i came and got it on tuesday. i ended up just cabbing here, though. i anticipated at least a certain degree of drunkenness. funnily enough, though, i don't feel drunk at all." he grinned and then said, "well, don't waste your money on a cab, i'll drive you home."

     the street lights lined the highway. the whole city looked serene at night. even the tall buildings with scattered lights throughout seemed peaceful. bens hand rested comfortingly on my thigh. "what's your address," he asked. "i don't feel like going home." he responded without taking his eyes off the road, "then don't. you can come home with me, if you'd like."

Ben Willbond x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now