my romeo

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i blacked out. it doesn't happen often, but it did. the last thing i remember was sitting in bens car, on the way to his house and then nothing. so you must understand my confusion and shock when i woke up in a hotel, all by myself. quickly, i whipped off the blankets. oh good, i was still wearing my clothes. then i started around the room. it was fairly large and airy with big windows that looked down onto the busy london street below. the bed was pushed head first onto the wall and a couple meters from the foot was a large flat screen tv. there was a desk in one corner and in the other, a door leading to another room. on the other wall of that corner was another door leading out of the hotel room. next to the bed, there was a night with a sticky note on it. 'y/n,' it read, 'here's my number, call me when you wake.' i opened my phone and called the number. it rung twice and then he picked up. 'y/n? oh, hi,' he said 'hey ben,' i replied 'umm.. what happened?' he laughed 'sorry, i know this must look compromising. last night, i guess i realised that you were drunk and i was drunk, and we only just met.. i mean, if it was me i wouldn't want someone to.. while i was like that. anyway i just pulled into the nearest hotel. you didn't tell me where you lived so,' at this point i cut him off 'oh! you shouldn't have. what's your paypal? i'll pay you back.' ' what? i wouldn't dream of it! enjoy it, it's yours for the day,' he said. 'thanks.. OH MY GOD ITS 9:30 IM GOING TO BE LATE,' i shouted. see, i had an audition at 10. 'you don't have your car, let me drive you,' he said. 'ok but be fast.' i hung up. quickly, i washed my face, brushed my teeth and got dressed. i don't wear makeup, i never have. i looked at my reflection in a full length mirror by the closet. i looked pretty good. a white blouse tucked into a black skirt with black tights and black heals with a grey cardigan overtop. i tied my hair into a ponytail atop my head. suddenly, there was a knock on the door. i opened it and saw ben leaning against the door frame, grinning. 'are you ready to go, y/n?'

Ben Willbond x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now