The End, With Love

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     "i think i'm going to kill my co-star," i said, bluntly. ben's hand was rested comfortably on the small of my back as we walked, coffee in hand.

      "why's that then," he replied, eye brow quirked in my direction.

      "he keeps trying to act like my boyfriend! like, no, josh, juliet may be in love with you but i certainly am not. keep your hands to yourself." 

     ben half-smiled, but seeing the look on my face, quickly wiped it off. i was staring daggers at nothing in particular. he quickly tried to change the subject to calm me down.

     "it's nice to just walk like this. it feels like forever since we talked, with your rehearsals and all."

     "yeah, i know. and i'm busy all the time with school, so it feels like i haven't seen you in forever," i responded, melancholically.

     "we might as well make the most of this time, then," ben said, sliding his hand to sit on the side of my waist, his arm wrapped around my back.

     i laughed, and took a sip of my coffee. we hadn't had a date in a week or so, so just having coffee together and walking through the park felt like godsend. i missed him, even though we talked over the phone most nights.

      as we walked down the gravelly path, multi coloured leaves crunching under our feet, we came unto a wooden bench, and ben stopped.

     "here, you want to sit for a while?" he asked.

     i smiled in response and sat with him. i closed my eyes and took a long, deep breath, tasting the rich fall air in my lungs.

     "y/n, how are you? really? i mean, i feel like we haven't talked about much aside from superficial stuff in so long."

     i opened my eyes and looked at him, deeply.

     "i'm better then i have been in a very, very long time," i responded calmly.

     his blue eyes crinkled as he smiled at me, his face inches from mine.  his hand took mine, sat in my lap. i shut my eyes again and rested my head on his chest, listening to his breathing. 

     very quietly, barely more then a whisper, not loud enough for anyone other then myself to hear, i breathed "i love you." 


     i stepped onto the stage, my cheeks flushed from the heat of the spotlight. my dress was clutched tightly in my sweaty fists as i walked.

     i dropped my dress on one side to take my co-star's hand, and we turned toward the crowd. time seemed to slow down, and the cheers of the crowd were drowned out as i scanned the audience, looking for one person.

    among the figures, i finally spotted him. he was standing, smiling, his eyes meeting mine. i smiled back, and fell into a deep bow. 

     cast members joined us on either side, taking our hands as we bowed once more, as a group. as soon as it was over, the lights dimmed and the curtains pulled together.

     i wiped my forehead with the sleeve of my dress, and made my way off the stage once more. when i got to my dressing room, ben was already there. he greeted me with a massive hug.

     "that was amazing, y/n!" he said with fervor. "you were the best one on that stage, without a doubt."

     smiling at him, i lowered myself into the chair and slumped over slightly, absolutely breathless from the performance.

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