The Moment I Had Waited For

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     my lungs filled with the cool fresh air of late summer as i breathed into consciousness. i woke up to see that the window was open. getting up out of the bed, i walked over to it and looked out to the busy street outside. my eyes scanned the street for a bakery, as the room smelled of freshly baked bread. there was one, almost directly across the street from the room i stood in.

     the bedroom door was open. i quickly put on the clothes i had been wearing before and timidly stepped through it. i had crossed the hallway in only a few steps and peeked around the doorway to see a tall figure standing by the stove in the kitchen. the way the light filtered into the room, it looked like there was a sort of halo of light around him.

     before i could even say hello, he looked up at me and flashed a smile. i felt the colour splash across my face and nervously chuckled. "i was starting to think you were never going to wake up. you sleep like the dead," he said softly, looking back down at the stove. i noticed he was cooking something, and walking over to see what it was.

     he was mixing something in a bowl. it was pancake batter, i recognised it immediately. wow, he's handsome and he can cook. is there anything thing this man can't do? " do i get to have some, or are you gonna eat that all yourself," i posed, curiously. he laugh sweetly and replied "i thought you'd be out of here as soon as you woke up. don't you have a cast list posted today?" i raised an eyebrow and he quickly continued "you talk in your sleep. am i really that handsome?" i choked. clearly i must have looked silly as he completely broke down laughing.

     "it's not all that funny," i said shyly. "no - you're right," he replied, stifling a giggle. "but really, you should go see the cast list. i can drive you. anyway, i'd like to know if you get a good role." i nodded, and after a bit of coffee we went to the theatre where it was posted.

     ben parked across the road from the theatre. as we crossed, my heart was pounding in my throat. i could hardly breathe, so when ben took my hand to cross, it didn't really help. we entered into  the entrance room. there was a brown bulletin board on the wall across from the door with several sheets pinned to it. i skimmed through the announcements and playbills until i saw a white sheet of paper which read, "romeo and julliet castlist." i still couldn't breathe. my heart raced faster than it ever had. i tried as hard as i could and finally managed a breath before looking down the castlist.

     i didn't have to look down far. printed right at the top of the list, it read "julliet - Y/N" my eyebrows shot straight up my face. i genuinely couldn't believe it. ben laughed out loud. "i told you you'd do well, didn't i." quickly my shock turned into excitement, and then into fear. i had never been in a big production before, so what if i was too inexperienced for it? ok, y/n, don't over think this. they chose you for a reason, after all. you'll do fine, and if you need help you can ask ben. it'll all be ok.

     i'm julliet. i really am julliet. i might actually be a star.

Ben Willbond x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now