third base

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      before i start this chapter, this is a quick message for a specific person who knows who they are and follow this account, so if you're not him, his isn't for you. DO NOT READ THIS BECAUSE  🧔🏽🔫👧🏻 mk ✨🥺 and if you do, i will never speak to you again 😌👍 anyway, on with the story.

     ben turned the key to his apartment and pushed the door open for me before stepping back, allowing me to go first. i stepped in and glanced around the room. it was a really nice apartment admittedly, high ceilings with huge floor-to-ceiling windows. directly in front of us, there was a little living room area with armchairs and a sofa arraigned into a sort of circle shape. farther to the right, there was a kitchen area, separated by a half-wall/counter. i lowered myself into the sofa and noticed that on the wall to the far-left of the apartment was a doorway leading to a hall and next to it was a large flat-screen tv.

     after a few minutes, ben came and sat down next to me, offering me a cup of tea. i looked at him and took it. once i had finished, i set the cup on a little coffee table in front of me. "you look stunning," ben whispered sweetly in my ear. i felt my entire face go completely red and i forced out a stuttered "thank you." he put his arm over my shoulder and looked at me. finally, after much anticipation on my part, he leaned in and kissed me. i reached my arms out and wrapped them around the back of his neck and leaned into it, exploring every inch of his mouth.

     ben swooped me off of the couch and into his surprisingly strong arms and carried me down the hall and into his bedroom. he tenderly laid me onto his bed and then stood up to take off his shirt. i tried and failed to unzip the back of my dress, and after a few tries ben stepped in and helped me. his placed one steady hand at the top and the other on the zipper, slowly and surely pulling it down. once he had finished, he slipped the straps over my shoulders and pulled them down past my waist.

     he leaned in and kissed me again. i guided his shoulder down so he was laying flat on the bed and i slide down to his crotch. i unzipped his pants and pulled down his pants and his boxers in one go. as i pulled it all the way down, his surprisingly large shaft literally popped out. damn, it was already hard. i looked up at him and then back down before deciding on what to do. i took my tongue from the base all the way up to the top and swirling it on the tip. ben moaned softly which i took as i sign to keep going.

     i sucked a little on the tip before putting it all into my mouth at once. ben clenched the blanket tightly as i continued to suck up and down. i looked up at him and saw his eyes were rolled back and he was biting his lip. he put his hands on my head and slowly guided my mouth over his dick. finally, i pulled my head up and kissed him again.

after i pulled my bra over my head, ben directed me onto the bed. he arranged himself over me looking down at me. i couldn't see what he was doing, but i could sure feel it. he teased around my entrance a little before staring to go in. he slide his cock inside me, filling every single crevasse and corner. i moaned loudly, no longer being able to contain it. i wrapped my arms around his neck at he started pumping in and out.

he started into a rythme, every pump making me moan slightly louder. ben clasped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrasse, before morning out "oh god, oh god. Y/N!!" suddenly, i felt hot cum fill all up inside of me. ben pulled out, a string of cum connecting his dick to me. he kissed me once more and then laid down next to me. we looked at each other, sweaty and exhausted, and just smiled. i rested my head and my hand on his chest, slowly drifting to sleep.

everyday just seemed to get better, didn't it? maybe it was a good thing i got rejected from acting school. look how everything has paned out. yes, maybe it was a good thing indeed...

mk that was ✨a sPiCyA mEaTbOLL🍝✨ i'm so so so very sorry 😐 imma go read the bible 😔✊ y'all enjoy i guess LMAOOOO

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