ben and i

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'oh, i'm mat, by the way,' mat said. 'and my friend over there is ben.' 'uh, y/n. pleasure to meet you,' i said. i looked back and ben. he was laughing with his friend next to him. a tall man with curly blonde hair. 'here, come sit at our table,' mat said. i stood up and followed him back across to the other side of the bar. as soon as we reached the table, mat shoved me onto the bench next to ben. i fell onto it and ben practically caught me. 'oops, sorry y/n,' mat said. ' no worries.' i took my seat and awkwardly smiled at ben. 'here, this is martha,' the woman grinned at me. 'and simon, jim and laurence.' 'everyone calls me larry,' laughed one of the men. 'and, of course you already know ben,' mat smirked. at that moment, i absolutely turned into a tomato. 'shut up,' muttered ben. once we had all settled, we started talking. 'so what do you you do,' asked martha. 'i'm an actor, but to be quite honest, i do more auditions then actual acting.' i decided i'd rather not tell them that i'd applied for acting school but was rejected. they all seemed to look at each other in unison. 'us,too,' said larry. 'we actually met on set, funnily enough.' 'no kidding,' i said. the whole night we laughed and joked. by the end of the night, all out pockets were considerably lighter and we were considerably drunker. 'hey,' ben pulled me aside as everyone was leaving. 'would you like to come back to mine for coffee?'

Ben Willbond x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now