quick thanks

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i believe i have said this before but THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! i could have never expected anybody to read this, let alone 4 000 people. i'm sorry that i haven't updated in a while, and i promise i will soon. i would have tonight but i have a test tomorrow about polynomials whatever tf that is lmfao. i'm not even studying i'm just reading fanfic and stressing. this is probably the reason i'm failing math. i'm betting now that i will probably crack during first period and quit doing my work just to write this. also there's a chance that there may not be school tomorrow, so plz send thoughts and prayers 😭🙏

anyway, my point is that without the support of you guys, i would have forgotten about this a long time ago, so thank you for motivating me!!

Ben Willbond x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now