and so we met

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it was late, about 12 o'clock. i sat in my car, my head leaned against the steering wheel. it was quite dark. tears dripped down my cheek. moonlight calmly filtered through the windscreen onto the dash, illuminating a paper, the fold lines prominent. 'Dear y/n,' it read. 'I am sorry to inform you that your application to (dream school) has been declined.' that's as far as i read before collapsing into myself. i let out one soft whimper before straightening myself and wiping the teardrops. 'i'm ok,' i lied. the stiff December cold crept up my neck and i shivered. quickly, i started the car. i didn't know where i was going but i had to go somewhere. i pulled out of my apartment parking lot and onto the road adjacent. i drove for about 10 minutes before pulling into a pub parking lot. 'Cheers,' the sign read. slowly swinging the door open, i was greeted by drunken laughter and singing. it was very warm and welcoming. i took my spot at the bar. 'And what will you have, then,' asked the bar tender. 'just a beer, if it isn't too much trouble.' he passed me the cold bottle and i took a large swig. a figure swiftly came up next to me. 'six more, please,' he said. he was tall, about 6'1 or 6'2. admittedly, he was quite handsome. cold blue eyes set on a calm, intelligent face. he glanced in my direction and gave a hurried, half-hearted smile. 'hi,' he muttered. i gave a two fingered wave. upon getting his drinks, he went back to his table at the other side of the bar. he passed them out to five others at the table, four men and a woman. i heard a few 'thanks,' as he did. i looked back to my hand, holding my beer and took another sip. i heard a noise beside me and saw one of his friend smiling at me. 'hello,' he said happily. he was also fairly handsome. average height, about 5'10, with brown hair and brown eyes, and a warm smile. 'my friend over there is too afraid to say it but he would like to buy you a drink.' i glanced back over to their table and saw him blushing hard and laughing embarrassingly. i was about to decline but i looked back and saw that he wouldn't take no for an answer. 'oh, go on then,' i muttered.

Ben Willbond x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now