Chapter 24

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:: Emma's POV ::

"Em?" Tonya knocked on the bathroom door, concern evident in her voice, "You okay in there?"

I quickly brought my hand up to wipe the tears that streamed from my eyes, I had fought them back for too long and they had finally made their escape. My head was spinning and I wasn't sure how to feel, this moment was just too much for me to take in.

I emerged from the bathroom and I was certain I looked like hell because I definitely felt like it. Tonya was pacing back and forth almost as if it were her future riding on those results. She stopped in her tracks the moment she saw me standing there.

"It's positive." I managed to choke out the words before the tears began to flow once again, "What am I gonna do?"

Tonya pulled me into an embrace hoping to comfort me. The only person in the world I wanted to hold me right now was JJ but then he'd want to know what was wrong and I couldn't tell him. Not now.

"It's going to be okay." She tried to reassure me but I wasn't sure how she could possibly know that, "Are you going to tell JJ?"

"I can't. Not now. He leaves tomorrow." I shook my head wiping the tears from my eyes, "We've got the pro bowl next week and the honors after that. I can't spring this on him now, not until these next couple weeks are done."

"I understand that." Tonya nodded, "He loves you Emma. He really really loves you. I hope you know that."

I slowly nodded; at least I thought I knew that. But that was before all of this happened. Before I found out we were bringing new life into this world. All I could picture was JJ remembering why he vowed to stay single until his career was done, he didn't want these distractions.

"I just feel so irresponsible." I placed my hand on my stomach, "The last thing I wanted was to bring another child into this world forced to live the fatherless life Noah has had to lead."

"First off, JJ is the man that stepped up to fill that void in Noah's life. I don't believe for a minute he'd leave his own flesh and blood fatherless." Tonya began, "Second of all, JJ isn't stupid. I'm pretty sure he knows how the birds and the bees work. I think he would've capped it before he tapped it if it was a big concern to him."

"Did you really just say that?" I laughed at Tonya, it was hard not to and I know she was trying to cheer me up.

"Well, I'm just saying that there's a good chance he'll be happy. You can't automatically assume he's going to take off." She stated, "Maybe he's ready for this."

I have to say Tonya's optimism is definitely putting me at ease, she was right. It wasn't fair to JJ for me to just assume the worst. I'd like to think I know him better than that by now. We've been together for nearly 6 months and it didn't take me long to believe that he was my happily ever after. Sometimes you just know.


:: Emma's POV ::

"Babe!" JJ called out to me trying to locate me in this large house of ours.

"I'm in the laundry room!" I called back folding the clothes as I pulled them from the dryer, separating them into piles; Noah's, JJ's and mine.

Seconds later JJ appeared in the doorway of the laundry room, his large body resting against the door frame. I tried to avoid eye contact with him at all costs, I hated keeping things from him but I knew that this was one thing I was going to have to wait to share. I needed to wait until his season officially came to an end.

"Did you just get home?" I asked as I began placing the folded clothes in their designated laundry baskets.

"Yeah." He nodded as he messed with the baseball hat that rested on his head; he had been so busy training in order to prepare for his Pro Bowl appearance that I didn't get to see much of him during the day.

"Are you all packed?" I questioned as I moved the wet clothes into the dryer and began a new load.

"Yeah." He responded, "Is Noah already in bed?"

"Yeah. I put him down about an hour ago." I answered, "He was upset he didn't get to see you."

"I'm sorry." He pushed himself off the door frame and walked over to me; he took my hand in his and pulled me into his chest, "It's almost over, I promise. Then the three of us are taking a family vacation."

I melted into his embrace, praying that I didn't breakdown. I needed to keep it together. It was almost as if I felt my worries starting to fade away little by little. Being in his arms felt so right and Tonya's words echoed in my head, it was hard to believe JJ ever getting mad or upset. The only time he ever showed aggression or any kind of temper was on the football field and it was actually something I found to be really sexy about him. But, when he was off that field he was a softy and that was even sexier, I loved that.

"No more laundry." He placed his finger under my chin, lifting my head up until our eyes met. He brought his face down to my level; gently rubbing his nose against mine before seizing my lips with his own.

The passion in his kiss sent chills through my body as his large hands ran over my bottom and gripped the back of my thighs lifting me up onto the dryer in one swift move. I loved his strength but what I loved even more is the way he always seemed to be so gentle with me, as if he was going to break me if he wasn't.

"I won't see you for five days, I need my fill." His voice was dripping in want as his lips made a path down my neck leaving goose bumps in their place as they reunited with mine, "I love you."

"I love you too." I breathed out.

His fingertips grazed my skin as his hands slid beneath my shirt, my body shuttered against his touch, the connection driving me wild. He lifted my shirt and tossed it aside, his lips creating a path from my neck to the newly exposed cleavage. My chest was heaving with desire as nothing but black lace separated his mouth from the sensitive skin of my breasts. The worries that surrounded me were definitely melting away; there was no denying the chemistry between us. Tonya was right once again, JJ was never too concerned about being careful.

"You okay?" JJ's eyes met mine as he pushed my hair away from my face.

"Yeah." I nodded, a smile spreading across my face reassuring him that I wanted him to continue.

My eyes fluttered close as I dropped my head back, JJ's name escaping my lips in a soft moan as his lips invaded my skin. My body felt like it was on fire beneath his touch, it always did. He always made me feel pleasure like I had never known before. Things never felt rushed with him, he explored my body every time without fail as if he was seeing it for the first time. I let myself give into every one of his advances, pure ecstasy overtaking me. It was going to be five long days before I would feel his touch again, I was going to cherish every moment. The way JJ passionately assaulted my body only solidified one thing, this unexpected little one was definitely made with love. What was done was done, there was no sense in worrying about things I could no longer control.

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