Chapter 29

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:: Emma's POV ::

"Oh Emma..." my mother gasped as I emerged from the fitting room at La Reve, "you look beautiful."

I stood up on the platform with the help of Cindy, my bridal consultant. She was sweeter than ever and was so accommodating. I still wasn't telling anyone I was pregnant and it was making dress shopping extremely difficult.

My mom and my sister's kept picking out such form fitted dresses and my grandmother, bless her heart, kept picking out the ball gowns. All styles which I would've loved to experiment with had the circumstances been different.

I opted for the flowy chiffon gowns with the empire waists, it hid my small but ever growing bump perfectly and in all honesty, the styles of these dresses fit my wedding theme nicely; shabby chic with a bit of a rustic twist. My wedding will be the envy of girls everywhere, or at least I believe it will be. I guess time will tell; I'm sure the media will let me know if my upcoming nuptials are a hit or a miss.

"I love it." Holly gushed as she inspected me from all angles, "You look incredible."

"It's romantic." Rachel chimed in offering her opinion.

I looked at myself in the mirror holding my hair up and then putting it down trying to mimic possible hairstyles as I nodded at Rachel's choice of words. Romantic was the perfect way to put it. The way the fabric flowed from my body was perfect and it did make it feel rather fairytale-ish.

"But will it pass the Watt test. That's the question..." I turned to look at some of the most important women in my life to see my mother drying her tears, "Mom, don't cry, you're gonna make me cry."

"I'm sorry honey." She patted her eyes with a wad of tissues, "You're so grown up and you just look so beautiful and I'm just so happy for you."

Here come the tears I was trying so hard to avoid. As if getting married wasn't emotional enough, in the best way ever of course, me being pregnant has kicked my hormones into overdrive. I cried over nearly everything and as much as JJ tried not to laugh when I broke into tears over commercials and every single television show I watched, I couldn't blame him. I laughed at myself too, there was literally no controlling my emotions half of the time, but honestly, there's nothing I love more than being pregnant and I felt guilty for keeping it from my family, I just wanted to make sure we were in the clear before we excited everyone.

"Watt is going to be speechless; I know that for a fact." Jillian answered, a smile on her face as she tried to ease the water works that were taking over the room, "He adores you, I'm sure he wouldn't care if you were wearing a paper bag."

JJ and I spend a lot of time with Jillian and my brother Ben, we always seem to be getting together for dinner or arranging play dates for the kids. The kids all loved coming over to swim; granted they have a pool at their own house, they insist it's just not as cool as JJ's. Personally, I think they come for JJ. He's always running around and playing with them in the yard and the house is always filled with laughter and giggles, I love it.

"What do we think?" Cindy smiled as she questioned my dress options, "Is this one the favorite?"

I looked around at my support group and Cindy followed my gaze, they were all nodding in approval. I turned to look at myself in the mirror one last time and that's when I really got emotional. I was getting married. I was going to spend the rest of my life with my best friend and I felt so blessed. The dress was perfect.

"What does the bride think?" Cindy looked at me for an answer even though I was certain she already knew, "Do you love it?"

"Yes." I nodded as I let out a small laugh through my tears, "I love it."

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