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:: Emma's POV ::

My eyes slowly fluttered open taking a moment to adjust before I looked around at my surroundings, forgetting for a moment where I was. I lay in a hospital bed, a sterile gown replacing the street clothes I had remembered arriving in; IVs and wires connecting me to machines that flashed beside me.

My eyes continued to scan the room until they landed on JJ who sat on a chair in the corner of the room, a small bundle wrapped in one arm and one arm wrapped around Noah who sat on his lap. I felt a smile slip across my face and I only hoped I'd go unnoticed a little bit longer, I could watch him in daddy mode all day. Fatherhood looked so good on him.

"Hi princess..." JJ's voice was soft, a smile on his face as he stared down at the tiny sleeping being in his arms, "its daddy..."

"And your big brother." Noah chimed in; JJ softly chuckled at his outburst as he looked on proudly.

I felt myself growing emotional as the tears brimmed in my eyes, a simple realization suddenly hitting me; my whole world fit into that rocking chair. They were all I needed in this world to feel whole and to be happy. Truly happy.


Noah had looked in my direction and noticed I was no longer asleep, JJ's attention now falling on me as well. Noah slid off JJ's lap and ran towards my hospital bed as if he hadn't seen me in ages. He wasn't the baby anymore and in some ways it was a bittersweet feeling. I had only hoped he'd settle into the role of "big brother" with ease. I never wanted him to feel left out or neglected.

"Hey munchkin." I smiled at him as I sniffled back my tears.

"I have a baby sister!" His small voice was booming with excitement, "Daddy has her, do you wanna see?"

"I do." I kissed Noah's forehead as I watched my husband get up from his chair and make his way over to us.

JJ sat on the bed beside me, a little pink hat covered her teeny head as she slept soundly and I knew she had already learned that there was no place safer for her than daddy's arms. I knew that JJ was definitely going to be in high demand around the Watt household. I laid my head on his shoulder as I looked down at her peaceful form.

"What do you think of your baby sister Noah?" I was curious to hear what was on his mind and what he was making of all these changes that were coming about in his life.

"I love her so much!" He answered as he tried to get a look at her once again all wrapped in her pink blanket, "What's her name?"

"Avery Lynn Watt."

"Hey she's a Watt too!" Noah seemed so proud of that and JJ and I laughed at his appreciation, "Is she like us daddy?"

JJ smiled at Noah's question, "Yeah buddy, she's just like us."

"We made a beautiful baby." I spoke softly into JJ's shoulder.

"Yeah, we did." He agreed, "Five hours old and she's already as beautiful as her mommy."

"I love you."

JJ kissed me sweetly, "I love you too baby."


:: Emma's POV ::

2 years later

"Noah, wait for me and your sister!" I called out to him as I lagged behind with Avery who insisted on carrying around a stuffed Minnie Mouse that was nearly as big as she was. Ever since we returned from our "end of the off season" family vacation to Disney, she has been attached to the thing.

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