Chapter 13

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:: Emma's POV ::

The last couple weeks had come and gone so fast and Thanksgiving had quickly approached. I had offered to host everyone at my house this year and I was suddenly kicking myself for my decision. For a holiday solely based around food, it was a lot of pressure to make sure everything was perfect. Don't get me wrong I love to cook and I'd like to think I'm pretty good at it, but I'm used to cooking for Noah, JJ and myself at most. What mattered most to me is that JJ felt welcomed and comfortable, I hated that he was going to spend the holiday away from his family and could only imagine how tough it would be on him. I know he was used to it by now but I know deep down it bothered him. On a brighter note, I had spent the last week or so talking with Connie about the possibility of JJ and me hosting his family for Christmas. She seemed to be on board and I was thrilled about that, I had kept it a secret from JJ and couldn't wait to surprise him once we had all the details worked out.

I was pretty proud of myself for everything I was able to accomplish ahead of time in order to prep for today. If there was one thing I was really good at, it was being prepared and organized. I liked to have a plan of attack for everything; I think it was something I acquired from being both a mother and a business owner.

My day of cooking started at six this morning when I began to tackle making my pies. There was a lot of pressure riding on these pies; my mother had made hers from scratch year after year and I was insistent I could handle it, even though I wasn't completely sure I could. I didn't do much baking, not because I wasn't good at it but because I was probably the messiest baker that ever existed. If anything, my disheveled baking skills at least gave JJ a laugh before he left for practice. Regardless, he made sure to tell me how much he admired my attempts and how sexy he thought I was covered head to toe in flour. I knew he was just being the supportive boyfriend that he is, but God love him for it. He is so good to me and managed to bring me confidence no matter what task I was attempting to master, I'm his biggest fan and in turn, he's mine.

It seemed like an entire day had passed by the time I had finished, yet it was only nearing noon. It left me one hour to get the table set and the drinks chilling before my family was expected to arrive. I had put Noah to work organizing his toys and making sure his playroom was picked up and ready for his cousins. JJ always laughed at my philosophy of having Noah clean his playroom just to have his friends or cousins come over to mess it all up again. Maybe he was right but unfortunately for Noah, and potentially JJ in the future, I have a mild OCD problem. I don't see anything wrong with being clean and tidy. My mom always taught me that your home is a reflection of yourself and it was something that stuck with me my whole life.

I had just barely finished setting the table when the doorbell rang; I looked at the clock on the wall trying to figure out how my last hour had gotten away from me so quickly. 12:45. It was sure to be my parents, they were always early. Any time I had people over at my place, whether it was a birthday party for Noah or even just a small family gathering, my mother had always showed up ahead of most guests so she was able to lend me her "services". Personally, I think she just has a hard time not being the hostess with the mostess. She wasn't used to handing the reigns over to anyone else and I still wasn't completely sure how she had agreed to allowing me to take over Thanksgiving this year. I'm sure she has been having mini panic attacks all week.

"Can you see who's at the door buddy?" I called out to Noah, his play room was in the front of the house and had several windows that over looked the front porch and the drive way.

"Nana and Papa are here!" There was so much excitement in his voice, he loved having company.

"You can let them in."

I smiled to myself as I listened to my parents doting over Noah and how handsome he looked in his Thanksgiving attire. He really is such a little ham but his plaid button up he was wearing with his jeans was adorable. JJ had taken him shopping for his "little man" outfit and he insisted on being just like him. I remember JJ coming home and being so touched by it. They were going to wear matching plaid shirts today and I thought it was beyond adorable. I couldn't wait to get a picture of them.

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