Chapter 30

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:: JJ's POV ::

I sat on the couch checking my endless amount of emails as I waited for Emma to finish getting ready for our doctor's appointment. All had seemed to be going so well and we were definitely anxious to get the okay to tell family. I know keeping it a secret has really been taking its toll on Emma, especially since the girls are pulling her in every direction to get things completed for our wedding in a couple short weeks, she's stressed but I will say she is handling it very gracefully. She usually does.

I was midway through an email from my manager discussing my contract when I heard Emma let out an extremely loud shriek from upstairs. I hopped off the couch faster than I even knew I could taking two steps at a time as I made my way to our bedroom.

"Emma!" I called out for her not seeing her in my line of vision, "Where are you? Are you okay?"

"No!" I knew by her tone of voice that she was frustrated and the matter wasn't as serious as I expected it to be. I found myself instantly being able to breathe easier.

"What's wrong?" I followed Emma's voice to our large walk in closest to find her sitting in a pile of clothes.

"I'm fat..." She cried out, tears running down her face, "Nothing fits me. Not even my fat jeans."

"Your fat jeans?" I let out a laugh, I couldn't help it.

"You're making fun of me!" She threw a balled up pair of jeans at me as she continued to pout, the tears dripping from her cheeks.

At this point I was honestly really holding back the laughter I wanted to release. I couldn't wait for these hormones to be gone, as amusing as they were at times, there were other times that I really wished I could hop off the emotional roller coaster ride. I hoped being able to tell family and friends would give Emma more outlets and she'd be able to relax a little more.

"I'm going to be a fat bride." I couldn't help the smirk on my face as she looked up at me; tear stained cheeks and a red nose. It may have been one of the cutest things I had ever seen, "It's not funny Justin. I'm going to look like Shamu!"

"Emma, stop." I reached out for her hand and pulled her up from the pile she sat in on the closet floor.

I wrapped my arms around her hoping to comfort her some. I know this was all amusing to me at times but I couldn't imagine what it must be like to be in her shoes. I was proud of her for being able to handle everything with poise. In the most respectable way, she's my definition of a trophy wife.

"You're beautiful." I assured her as I wiped her tears from her cheeks, "You need to stop being so hard on yourself."

Emma sniffled.

"I have never been more attracted to you than I am right now." It was true, pregnant Emma had a glow about her that I couldn't explain. She was incredible.

"You're just saying that." Emma pouted as she wiped her eyes.

"I mean every word." I looked into her green eyes that appeared even greener due to the tears that were unshed, "I don't care what pants you fit in and don't fit in. All that matters to me is that you and little Watt are healthy. Just enjoy it. Relax a little. I'm not going anywhere."

"Thank you." A smile spread across her face and I can say I was beyond relieved, "I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed her forehead before I released her from my grasp, "Now, finish getting ready. We have a doctor's appointment to get to."


:: Emma's POV ::

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