Chapter 2

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:: Emma's POV ::

"What do you think buddy, you excited?"

I held Noah's hand as we walked towards the entrance of NRG Stadium, home of the Texans. Noah clutched his football close to him and proudly sported his Watt jersey as he did every Sunday, football season or not.

"Yeah! I get to help JJ warm up!"

I smiled at his excitement. I had all could to even get him to fall asleep last night. He was worse than a kid awaiting Santa on Christmas Eve. This certainly wasn't his first Texans game but it was certainly his first time personally having JJ Watt ask him to help him warm up before the game.

"Yeah, we have to go find him."

I looked at Noah to see him really taking in all of his surroundings; he was always in awe of the size of the stadium and the crowds of tailgaters and spectators. I lead us to the gates JJ had told me about in the directions he texted to me and I was met by a balding, stocky man donning a SECURITY shirt.

"Can I help you?" He walked towards Noah and me, the radio on his hip transmitting all kinds of static laced voices.

"We're supposed to be meeting JJ Watt; these are the directions he gave me. I'm not sure if I'm in the right place."

"Are you contest winners? Do you have passes?"

I shook my head, "No, we're personal guests."

I was beginning to feel intimidated as he looked me and Noah over. He acted as if we were trying to pull a fast one on him. He pulled the radio off his hip and spoke into it, asking whoever was on the other end for reassurance that we were supposed to be there.


I spun on the heels of my red Converse to see JJ jogging towards us. A red Texans baseball hat covered his blond hair causing me to really focus on the large arms and broad shoulders his black Texans muscle shirt exposed. His navy blue Texans shorts hung from his large frame and his football cleats covered his feet. Good lord, I hope someone has a mop because I am about to become a puddle on the floor.

"JJ!" Noah jumped up and down at the site of him, which is what I also felt like doing at the moment but had to control myself for very obvious reasons.

"Noah!" JJ held out his hand for their usual high five and Noah happily accepted the gesture.

I was still trying to pull myself together and I prayed JJ didn't notice me slowly coming undone at his presence. His eyes fell on me and I felt my heart rate begin to increase.

"They're with me Rick." JJ laughed at a comment the security guard made before he returned his focus to us, his hands resting on his hips, "I tried to beat you guys up here but I got stopped along the way."

"It's ok. We just got here."

A smile quickly crawled across his lips, "I love all this Texans love goin on here."

He looked at Noah in his 99 jersey to me in my typical football Sunday attire. I suddenly felt self conscious having his eyes on me. Which was very unusual for me, I was normally a pretty confident girl.

:: JJ's POV ::

I came around the corner and saw the security guard, Rick, standing with Emma and Noah. I had tried to beat them to the gate but was stopped too many times on my way up here.


I called out to her and felt my heart skip a beat as she turned towards me. There it was... that smile. I can only imagine what the guys would say if they knew how soft this girl could make me feel with just her smile.

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