Chapter 31

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:: Emma's POV ::

"Noah!" I called out for him from the bottom of the staircase, "Come down here for a minute!"

I walked into the living room where JJ was sitting on the edge of the couch cushion, his elbows resting on his knees as he looked over in my direction. We were finally getting the opportunity to tell Noah he was going to be a big brother and I would be lying if I said we weren't a little nervous about his reaction.

Noah came leaping into the living room, his buzz light year wings on his back. They were part of his Halloween costume that he had certainly gotten plenty of use out of. He had an imagination like no other and it always amazed me how well he played by himself. I had always hoped I'd be able to give him siblings before he was too old to ever be able to bond with them and with him nearing six; we were just in the nick of time. Granted, there's still a larger age gap then I ever would've hoped but things happen the way they do for a reason.

"Is dinner ready?" Noah asked as he looked up at me, his innocence having no clue as to why he had been called downstairs from his space command center, or in other words, his bedroom.

"Yes..." I smiled at him pausing briefly before I continued on, "but, we need to talk to you about a couple things."

"Ok mommy." He flew; naturally, he is buzz light year after all, over to the couch where he plopped down on the cushion beside JJ.

"We have a little present for you." JJ handed Noah a small wrapped package and his eyes lit up, what kid doesn't light up at the thought of a present? But this one was different; he just didn't know that yet.

Noah giggled as he opened the present to reveal a satin super hero cape with the words Big Brother printed across the back in true super hero form. We put a lot of thought into how we wanted to break the news to Noah; we wanted to make sure he was going to be happy. At least we hoped he would be happy.

"Do you know what it says?" JJ asked as he held the blue satin material up in order to help Noah read the words that were across the back.

"Big. Brother." Noah took a minute to sound it out before he looked from JJ to me, "I never heard of him before."

JJ and I both laughed at the naivety of Noah's response. He hadn't put the pieces together yet and it only made the whole moment that much better. He was too sweet.

"Well, that's the most important super hero of all." JJ insisted, "And that's you."

"I'm not a brother." Noah giggled and we joined him.

"You're gonna be." I chimed in, a smile on my face as Noah's face became serious.

"Mommy's got a baby in her belly." JJ broke the news, "You're gonna have a little brother or sister."

"What do you think?" I asked, curious to know his thoughts "Are you ready to be a big brother?"

"Yeah." Noah's small voice sounded unsure and it was just seconds before he started crying.

Noah jumped off the couch and ran over to me, his arms wrapping tightly around my waist, his tears soaking through the thin material of my shirt. JJ and I looked at each other, not expecting this kind of reaction out of him.

"Why are you crying babe?" I held his head in my hands as I looked down at him, "You don't want to be a big brother?"

Noah nodded his head and I wasn't sure if he meant he wanted to be a brother or didn't.

"Are those happy tears?" I asked, hopeful that maybe he just didn't know how to process all of the emotions; after all he is only five.

"Yeah." He managed to cry out as he gave me a nod.

JJ and I both laughed, the relief certainly washing over us. We were beyond relieved that he was happy; it wouldn't have been the same if he wasn't. Noah had always asked me for a little brother or sister and I was beyond happy JJ and I were going to be able to give him that. I knew he would be the best big brother and the best helper when it came to taking care of little Watt.

"I have another big job for you, if you're up for it." I announced as I took a seat in the arm chair beside the couch, Noah standing in front of me nodding his head at a fast pace, letting me know he was eager and ready to take on whatever job I was throwing his way, "You know mommy and JJ are getting married in a couple of weeks, right?"

"Uh huh." He nodded as JJ smiled on proudly.

"Well, I was wondering if you would help papa walk me down the aisle." The look that washed over Noah's face was priceless, he looked excited but he looked slightly confused and I smiled at him, "It means you have a really important job. You have to help me walk all the way down the aisle until we get to JJ."

I tried to break it down for him and he was smiling from ear to ear. Anything that was deemed an important job Noah was always game for. The truth is, ring bearer didn't seem like an important enough title for Noah and JJ even thought of making him his best man, but after a lot of thought and consideration, we both thought it would be suiting for Noah to help my dad walk me down the aisle. I loved being able to incorporate three of the most important guys in my life; my dad, Noah and JJ. My dad of course representing the traditional "father gives away daughter" but Noah representing the family we were about to become, officially anyhow.

"What do you think?" I asked, looking at Noah, "Would you like that?"

"Yes." Noah responded, a slight blush taking over his face and he smiled as I kissed his cheek.

"We have something else we want to tell you too." I shared, "Why don't you go sit with JJ for a minute."

Noah skipped over to JJ who pulled him onto his lap. I wanted to let JJ break this last bit of news to him on his own, it meant a lot to him and I wanted him to fully enjoy this moment.

"Well, you know when we get married; mommy's last name won't be Cahill anymore right?" JJ asked as he began his heart to heart with Noah.

"It's gonna be Watt?" Noah looked up at JJ and I could see the question on his face. He was little but he was pretty good with processing everything.

"Yeah, but I have an important question to ask you..." JJ paused as he waited for Noah's simple okay, "I wanted to know if you would do me the honor of being Noah Watt."

Noah's eyes lit up as I wiped the few lonely tears from beneath my eyes. The look on his face was worth more than a million bucks. I had never seen a bigger smile on his face then right now.

"I get to be a Watt, like you?" Noah asked hopeful as he looked at JJ who was smiling in total adoration, his large hand coming up to rub the light brown hair on top of Noah's head.

"Yeah bud, just like me." He bobbed his head, "What do you think?"

Noah threw himself into JJ's chest, his small arms wrapping tightly around JJ's shoulders as he hugged him close. I wasn't sure how JJ was able to finally get my ex to relinquish his rights, but he did and I didn't really ask for the details. He wouldn't be able to hold Noah back from completely being a part of a family, JJ knew how much I hated that Noah would still be Cahill while I was a Watt and his new sibling was a Watt. I always wanted him to have that security that he was a part of this family, I know it may seem silly and to some people it may just be a name, but after what Noah went through at school with Connor, that was just the beginning of what it would be like for him down the road. I never wanted any reason for Noah to ever question the love JJ and I have for him.

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