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He asked to undress without me looking so he can put a towel around his waist. While he did that I was checking the water temperature to make sure it was just right. It was still a fine temperature but I added a little bit more hot water. I added bubbles for some childish reason and slowly climbed into the tub, dodging the candles lit on the side. I reached over to the toilet to grab my phone sat on the seat; I connected it to the speaker nearby and played romantic music. 

"If this isn't a vibe I don't know what is." Beanpole said in a low voice while climbing in.

"Too much?" I inquired.

"Just enough." he reached over and grabbed my hand, "I've never been this intimate before... and when I have dated it hasn't been.. you know-" 

"A guy?" 

"Yeah." he paused, "I like this much better,"

I smiled a faint smile and caressed his cheek.

"You're beautiful." I dropped my hand.

He didn't say anything, not like he had to... I could tell what he was thinking by his smile.

When he finally spoke he said, "It's not like you can see anything in here." and laughed.

"I don't have to see you to be able to tell."

"Don't get all corny on me, Kuroo." I shivered when he said my name, it sounded so natural and like everything I was missing had just appeared. Maybe it did. I leaned in kissed him in a deep soulful kiss. His bare body gracefully moved towards me as we continued to kiss. I felt more of him creep onto me, and I loved it. I pulled away but kept my face near his. "Say my name like that again..." 

"Kinky Kuroo?" he teased in a whisper.

That shiver again... It made me feel so alive and aroused. "Tsukishima."

"No no no sir, I don't have a name kink." he bantered.

I kissed him again this time being more gentle. My hand reached under water and onto his bare inner thigh. He wrapped his arms around my back and somehow managed to get even closer to me. The water around our bottom halves made this moment even more special. I loved this so much I was going to explode, I decided to let my body take over as I listened to the music.

"Let's Fall In Love, Diana Krall"

I have a feeling, it's a feeling,
I'm concealing, I don't know why
It's just a mental, sentimental alibi

But I adore you
So strong for you
Why go on stalling
I am falling
Our love is calling
Why be shy?

Let's fall in love
Why shouldn't we fall in love?
Our hearts are made of it
Let's take a chance
Why be afraid of it

Let's close our eyes and make our own paradise
Little we know of it, still we can try
To make a go of it

We might have been meant for each other
To be or not to be
Let our hearts discover

Let's fall in love
Why shouldn't we fall in love
Now is the time for it, while we are young
Let's fall in love

We might have been meant for each other
To be or not to be
Let our hearts discover

Let's fall in love
Why shouldn't we fall in love?
Now is the time for it, while we are young
Let's fall in love [4x]

The sun shone in my face as my eyes groggily opened just barely enough to see Stringbean's golden hair. There he was, laying against me while clutching my hand... all mine. We were laying together on the couch, me in my sweatpants and Beanpole in a T-shirt. His hair was more ruffled than usual.. adorable. I recalled the events of last night and smiled to myself while hugging Stringbean closer. "I love you." I whispered into the world to really no one... I just needed the world to know I loved him with all my being.

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