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The day continued on, we played desperately reaching for the ball whatever chance we got. One hit. Thats all it took.

I had been in the zone all day.

"Send it over Hinata!" The black haired boy yelled in our match against Karasuno. He perfectly set the ball to the redheaded maniac. He spiked it...right to Kenma.
"Sets out!"
He passed it to me. I was a decent setter, not good enough to play the role but if needed I could step up. I tricked everyone into thinking I'd set it to a player but I just dumped it over knowing the set would be weak. Beads of sweat engulfed my face as my feet hit the squeaky gym floor. "Nice going Kuroo!"

I didn't care about my teammates.

I cared about him.

I searched for him but to no avail. Then his strikingly golden hair grazed my sight, middle back hidden by the huge spiker. He smirked as to congratulate me.

"Its coming over!"







They caught up. I started to panic a bit. I watched the petite spiker but he got scared. "Ku-Kuroo!! Why are you staring?" The ginger pointed.
"Spaced out, sorry." That was a lie.

Everything was a joke to me, except Stringbean and volleyball. This mattered. No matter what, this game mattered. I needed to show I could keep playing or I'd be cut.

My lifeline would be gone.

Then what?

"Watch out Karasuno, Kuroo's game came back," Kenma calmly called out while setting a ball to Yamamoto, the ace.
"What do you mean came back?!" I barked.
"You kept spacing out, you played well just not as well as usual,"
"I GOT IT!!" Hinata screeched.
I rolled my eyes. I was just distracted by the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. No big deal.

"Its coming over Kuroo," he tugged at my shirt.
I jumped off to block and brutally smacked the ball on the other side of the court.
"Go Tanaka!!!" The buzz cut guy dug the ball up.

I couldn't stop staring at him. Tsukki, I mean. Sweat dripping off his face, sports goggles on. It was a majestic sight, really.

I was on auto-pilot for a while. I understood what Kenma was talking about, but I always played like this. Maybe it was him, and I wasn't angry if it was him. He was more important than volleyball, even if I did meet him through the sport.







We had a dominant three point lead, just enough to keep pulling ahead while having a buffer to fall back on. Ok

Then Stringbean went to spike.

I was so caught up with watching I didn't even jump to spike.

"KUROO!" Lev yelled, "get your head out of your ass!"
"I know a freshman isn't trying to speak to his captain like that," I menacingly glanced back at him, he may be taller but I'm not scared of him.
"Sorry sir,"
Tsukki giggled. I'll get you next time Beanpole.

After a long day of practice, wins and losses, I finally got to talk to my Tsukki. He didn't need to change since we'd be practicing with Hinata and Bokuto after the break once everyone is gone. I watched him open the doors to go outside, he glanced back at me as if he was calling out "come with me!" So I did. Bokuto gave me a wry grin and punched my back as I jogged past him. He can be real annoying sometimes.

Eventually, I caught up to my lanky beauty. He was leaning against the railing outside, looking up at the sky.

"Escape the BO?" I snuck up behind him
He coolly glanced back, "I did, then you showed up,"
I snickered.
"Why didn't you block when I spiked?"
"I was mesmerized by you," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his torso. "Kuroo," he said in a low nervous voice.
I pressed my lips against his neck and shut my eyes. His skin was so soft.

I quickly let go as the doors burst open, Hinata and the black haired boy following behind Bokuto.
"Kageyama's gonna join our session tonight!"
"Session..?" Tsukki repeated.
"You make it sounds like an orgy,"
The black haired boy, Kageyama, blushed and covered his face as Hinata just looked at me confused.
"Toss the keys Bokuto!"
I snatched them in the air and jogged towards the gym only to be met with Bokuto sprinting to catch me. I stopped midway and looked back at everyone.

As Bokuto approached me, running even faster than before, I slipped my arm out last second and watched him trip and faceplant onto the cement.
"Are you okay?!" Redhead called.
"Get up man,"

He sprung back onto his feet in true Bokuto fashion.

"I'm gonna tap you so hard in the balls for that," he grabbed the collar of my jersey.

We usually joked around like this, we had a fun dynamic. Eventually Tsukki began jogging and very quickly caught up with us, leaving the other freshman behind.

"Hurry up King! Or do I need to get a golden carriage to escort you?" He taunted.
I heard a snicker as I opened the door to the smaller gym. It was eerie when the lights were off.
"Boo!" Bokuto lunged at me but I just pushed him off.
"Get off me, asshole,"
"You guys ready to practice?" Bokuto called as he flipped the light switch on.
"Yeah!" Hinata jumped enthusiastically and ripped his jacket off.
Kageyama followed his example.
Beanpole however, was elegant. He walked in last and carefully took his jacket off only to toss it beside him.
"I call setter boy!" Bokuto called.
"How about you teach Hinata and Kageyama set spike combos while we block? It seems more practical," Tsukki commented.

Bokuto nodded. "Ok!"

Hinata rushed under the net with Kageyama following him like a lost puppy.

"You serve!" I rolled the ball to Hinata.
"Every time you aren't touching the ball you look like you're about to burst. Just serve the ball, kid,"

Practice was in session.

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