First song

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A few days passed after that night, in which Sunwoo made a decision; he would be honest, no more lies, no more hiding his feelings, though he wouldn't confess directly, he believed Chanhee would figure it out when he read those damned love songs he was still working on.

That night, he barely got any sleep. He was still scared but he didn't change his mind about letting the other know the truth. He wanted to end his unrequited love and being rejected would make it easier or so he hoped.

He suddenly had an idea so he jumped out of bed, ran to his desk looking for a pen and the notebook he used to write lyrics before sitting down on one of the kitchem counter's bar stools.

He finished the first song in less than an hour and after, he actually felt a little lighter.

He spent 10 nights with that routine: everytime he got a new idea, he would forget about any other thing that wasn't related to it and just write. Having written 10 love songs, he was nervous but couldn't help but hope that Chanhee would stay as his best friend, not being awkward about rejecting him.

He sighed, before texting him to skip his afternoon lecture so they could talk and he could show him the songs.

The day before, he had played for Chanhee a few of the untitled tracks he had created and asked for his opinion about them and finally dared to question how many love songs he actually wanted. Chanhee's reply surprised him "how many have you written?" He just seemed curious but for some reason, Sunwoo was scared.

"10 songs" he whispered and closed his eyes tightly.

"May I read them?" He was so innocent to the pain and fear he was causing in Sunwoo's fragile heart. "Later, I still have to fix a few things in them" he managed to reply. Chanhee only nodded.

He didn't need to fix anything, what he did need was to prepare for what could end up being the worst choice he had ever made.

Luckily, Chanhee accepted, confirming he'd skip his afternoon lecture that day.

Sunwoo said bye to his parents, who were back now, before leaving for class that morning.

His day went by fast. So fast, he felt like he blinked and then it was lunch time, but he decided to skip eating in that moment or he knew he'd throw up later. Still, he was waiting for Chanhee at the entrance of the cafeteria. When he met his friend, they bumped shoulders as a greeting before walking away.

"Did you eat already?" Sunwoo asked, guiding them to an empty classroom. Chanhee shook his head no so he frowned.

"I'll eat later" he reassured him "I'm just too excited right now" he added with a chuckle. Sunwoo sighed and locked the door so they'd have privacy.

The older sat on the teacher's table waiting for Sunwoo's lyrics notebook which was given to him before the owner sat on the windowsill closest to his friend, biting on his lower lips anxiously when Chanhee started reading.

He turned to look at the sky through the window.


Can't you see?
Please look at me,
stare into my soul
with those eyes of yours.
Can't you tell
the love my eyes can't hide?
I didn't notice when I fell (for you)
for your innocent smile.
You've made me so happy
and hurt me so bad
and still, to me you are everything,
the sun, moon and stars."

Sunwoo was looking still looking through the window when he noticed too much time had passed since Chanhee started reading, so he breathed in before turning around, trying to be brave enough to look at him. Did he know already? So soon?

But when they locked eyes, he realized Chanhee had been staring at him, a sad look on his face that he tried to cover up with a smile "you told me you didn't like anyone" he was the one sighing now, still staring at each other, he added "why did you lie?" And he sounded so fragile when he asked that Sunwoo wanted to cry for hiding so much from him when he knew Chanhee hated lies.

He couldn't stand the sadness in his friend's eyes any longer without spilling everything, so he looked away but didn't say a word.

"I love the song, but I can't sing it."

"What?" He almost choked on his own spit after hearing Chanhee's words "why?"

"It feels wrong" he hadn't stopped staring at him, still looking like his heart broke.


"I think you should be the one singing it" he explained "to the person you like."

"I'm not gonna tell them" Sunwoo replied bitterly "but read the other songs and choose the ones you wanna sing, please" then he added in a whisper "I would love to hear you sing all of them."

Now it was Chanhee's turn to ask "why?"

"I always have your voice in mind when composing, my songs are all made for you, not just because you're my best friend but because your voice is my favorite" Chanhee just continued staring at him "please" he added and the other sighed and looked away this time.

I'm only gonna write short parts of the songs cause I'm not that creative or good at writing but I hope they're not too bad?

Writing about love is easy (when I think about you) | SUNNEWWhere stories live. Discover now