Nineth song

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Chanhee took Sunwoo's notebook out of his bag. He couldn't sleep, so he grabbed a pen, not peeking at the last two songs, and opened the next blank page; he didn't know what he was doing, but that didn't stop his sleep deprived brain. He started writing.

That morning, he walked to Sunwoo's house early in the morning, knowing he would probably wake up his friend but wanting to read a song before his classes of the day started. Both of them had skipped class too many times already because of the songs. He didn't regret it, but it was showing on his grades and his parents would soon notice if they kept going down.

He knocked on the door and waited. Sunwoo opened without asking who was it, looking like he had just woken up. Chanhee chuckled "hi" he said as the other let him in. 

Sunwoo just stared at him, confused but closed the door after his friend walked in "what are you doing here?" he asked, as he tried to fix his hair blindly. Chanhee gently removed his hands and helped him, brushing his hair softly out of his eyes "I came here to hear the nineth song before my classes" he explained as he moved away from Sunwoo. The younger could still feel his warmth. "Let's go then" was all he said, walking into his room, Chanhee following him.

They sat on the bed, leaning their backs on the headboard. Chanhee took Sunwoo's notebook out of his bag and handed it to him.


Now I understand

every love song,

every romantic movie.

Now I understand

I'm not enough,

not the one, for your sweet heart.

I understand


and its burn and scars that never heal

and I'm scared

because you make me stay here,

unable to leave.

You're my dawn

but maybe it's time for the sunset,

never doubt, hun,

you were my best (and worst).

Bu it's time I let go,

set you free,

let the darkness

come for me."

When Sunwoo finished reading, he looked at Chanhee, the older was just staring at the ceiling, he let out a sigh. 

"Do you have time tomorrow in the evening?" His friend asked, turning to look at him, Sunwoo forced himself to smile and nod. He didn't seem to know yet, was it safe to assume everything was fine?

After that, Chanhee left quickly to not get to class late. Sunwoo stared at his back through the window as he walked away. Tomorrow would be the ending, the last song, and if by then, he hadn't realized yet, Sunwoo would just tell him. He couldn't do this anymore. He was tired of being scared and always wondering when will it happen. This shouldn't have lasted this long.

Short chapter but the next one is the ending!! I might update this weekend with the last chapter. I hope you like this part too and thank you so much for reading <3

By the way, I dropped the first chapter of another sunnew fanfic I'm gonna be working on! it's about angels and you can find it in my profile, the title is I pray.

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