Fourth song

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The next day, Sunwoo woke up early after a nightmare, trembling and gasping for air. He sat up and tried to regulate his breathing, closing his eyes and humming to a tune he had been working on these past days.

He didn't know how long he sat there, just trying to calm himself down, but the trembling had subsided a little and he could breathe almost at a normal speed, so he laid down again and fell asleep quickly.

His alarm rang and woke him up the next morning and for once, he didn't procrastinate getting up and preparing his bag for his classes. He had to be quick, thus he didn't eat anything; his parents had left for work already so they wouldn't scold him for skipping breakfast.

He ran to Chanhee's house, but stopped a few meters away to cath his breath and try to fix his hair, his friend shouldn't notice how anxious he's feeling if he hadn't figured it out by now. 

Once it wasn't so obvious that he had ran there, he walked to the front door and knocked. Even though he came there hoping for Chanhee to still be oblivious of his feelings, he was trying to prepare his heart to be broken when he was interrupted by a scream 

"Coming!" that eased his nerves a little, chuckling to himself, he stared at the door, waiting.

When his friend opened the door, he seemed surprised and so was Sunwoo: Chanhee had dark circles under his eyes, the deep shades of purple staining his face looked like bruises and his eyes were red but his smile was as bright as always.

"Are you okay?" He asked Chanhee before the other could say anything.

He laughed before nodding "yeah, don't worry."

Then he realized the older looked messy, to say the least; his button down wasn't completely buttoned and it was untucked and wrinkly, his hair was standing in different directions and his shoes didn't match. Something was wrong.

"And you? Are you okay?" Chanhee asked him now and Sunwoo frowned "Why wouldn't I be?"

His friend raised an eyebrow before adding "your lyrics are literally breaking my heart" he sighed  and pretended to cry "are you sure I can sing them?" Sunwoo nodded enthusiastically.

"Are you ready?" he questioned the older, who seemed to realize how he looked just then and blushed a bright red. He closed the door on the other's face. 

Five minutes later he opened it again looking refreshed. He had applied some makeup under his eyes so his dark circles wouldn't stand out, but even his concealer couldn't hide them completely.

"Let's go" he said before slinging his bag over his shoulder.

As they were walking towards their university, Chanhee's stomach grumbled and he blushed again. Sunwoo tried not to laugh but a small giggle still came out. "It's okay" he said "it's normal. But" he paused and looked into Chanhee's eyes looking serious "you can't skip lunch."

They kept walking in silence but when they had to go in different directions, he grabbed Chanhee's wrist, stopping him "wait here for a second" he told him before running to the second floor. He was lucky it was still there, he thought, looking at the old vending machine. So, he inserted cash into the machine and bought a strawberry milk bottle and repeated the process to buy a packet of cookies, after taking both products, he ran again.

Chanhee was there, where he told him to wait and when Sunwoo got to him he complained "you told me to wait for you while you go buy snacks? I'm-" he was interrupted by the younger, who took his hand and put the items on it "for you" he muttered before running, again.

Chanhee just stood there for a few seconds seeing his friends' back as he left. Then he chuckled to himself, staring fondly at the snacks as he walked to his class.

He couldn't focus, thinking about Sunwoo's lyrics and his sweet gesture that morning. 

He took the younger's notebook out of his bag and started reading,

"Your fault

Without your loving gaze

and your bright eyes,

I wouldn't have been mistaken

wouldn't have been blind.

If it wasn't for your smile 

and your sweet voice

that light up the darkest night,

I might've had a choice.

It's your soft hands' fault

and your warm hugs

that I hoped,

now moonstruck.

Your nose scrunch it's to blame

and so are your red lips

for the pain,

for playing tricks

I can barely stand 

not asking for a kiss.

Your caring nature

and breathtaking beauty are guilty

of making me dream we share our future,

something that will never be.

You are responsible

of this heart of mine

and I know it's not simple

not making me cry

when you can't return a feeling

that's not in your heart,

but I can't stop blaming you

for making me fall."

Chanhee had always loved Sunwoo's songs, he could feel the sincerity in every word in a beautiful way. But these songs caused him pain. How could he have been so oblivious to his friend's pain?

He decided to stop reading so he wouldn't cry in class.

When his class ended, he packed up his stuff and walked to the classroom of Sunwoo's lecture on wednesday mornings, he had his schedule and Sunwoo had his so they would find each other easily, the best friends that were never apart. 

He saw him outside, talking to a girl. He seemed happy and there was a blush adorning his face. Was it her..?

He walked away, to give them space, to not see.

Writing about love is easy (when I think about you) | SUNNEWWhere stories live. Discover now