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a/n: ive been noticing a lot of new benley accounts and i just want to say welcome!!!and y'all have so good stories and im looking forward to your updates :)))



Miranda walked around the hospital, feeling ill. Her stomach was churning, her boobs were sore, and she was just about ready to collapse anywhere.

Callie was walking by her, noticing she was a little green. "Mandy? You okay?"

Miranda opened her mouth to respond, but she felt bile coming up her throat, so she ran away, looking for the nearest restroom.

Her concerned best friend hurried to follow her, and was just in time as Miranda puked her guts out into a toilet.

"Miranda, oh my God," Callie exclaimed, and kneeled beside her, rubbing her back comfortingly.

She stopped pushing her face into the toilet, panting. Her head was spinning, and she could barely recognize her best friend behind her. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and she closed her eyes, trying to get her head back into its proper balance. She sat down, breathing heavily.

After a few moments, Callie spoke softly. "What happened?"

Miranda shrugged, frowning. She opened her eyes, and her body seemed to have lasted against that weird, sick episode she just had. Her headache was still there, but it wasn't as bad as it was a second ago. "I... I don't know, maybe I caught the flu?"

"Are you sure? Maybe I could ask Ben to get you home. He's on call, right?"

She shook her head. "No, no. I'm fine. I forgot to eat today. Yes, it's just that. I'll be fine, Callie."

The Latina frowned as she helped Miranda stand. "Uh, no, you're not. You just barfed your whole stomach out, Mandy."

At that moment, her pager beeped, saving her from Callie's speech. "I gotta go. See you later."

"Miranda Bailey!" She called after her, but she was already rushing out.


She had an inkling. She knew what it could be, especially since Ben and her have been getting it on since their failed roadtrip.

Miranda sighed, thinking about when her cycle was supposed to be. She was looking at her calendar in her phone and she couldn't remember the last time she got her period.

"Hey, Miranda!" A deep voice that would usually make her giddy made her wince a little. "Baby!"

She put on a fake smile as she turned around in her chair at the lounge. "Hey, Ben."

He frowned as he walked to her. He sat on the opposite chair in front of her, and on instinct, she raised her feet on his lap. He picked them up, and started kneading on the bottom of her feet, making her moan softly. "You okay?"

Miranda closed her eyes, feeling herself relax. Her smile started to become more real. "I'm fine, honey. Ooh, just... right there. Get in there deep, baby."

Ben chuckled, and followed her instructions, pressing where her knots are. "Are you sure?"

"Sure about what?" Her eyes were still closed, her head resting back on the chair.

"That you're okay?"

She hummed, not really agreeing, not denying it. Unfortunately for her, Ben knew her enough to know that it was her delaying tactic, and she was obviously avoiding the question.

"Miranda," he started, and it made her open her eyes. She knew that tone. He stopped massaging her feet.

She whined. "Ben, let's just not do it right now, okay?"

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Miranda Bailey, you know why I'm here, don't you?"

"Callie told you," she said in a 'duh' tone. "Well, it wasn't her business."

"But it is mine."

Miranda pouted and dropped her feet from his lap. "I was just a little bit sick, Ben. I'm fine."

"Miranda," he warned her, looking at her.

She rolled her eyes and pouted. "Fine. I..." she trailed off, wondering if it was better if she told him. They'd tried for 2 years, before her internship and during his residency, but they weren't successful. She didn't want to get their hopes up. Add to the fact that she's still a resident, she had busy hours. "It's nothing, hun, just a stomach bug. And I didn't eat breakfast, so it made it worse. But I'm fine. I had a couple sandwiches."

He looked suspiciously at her, but nodded. He wasn't on-call this morning so he slept in, and he had no idea she actually had some eggs and bacon before she left. "Alright, if you don't want to tell me yet, then that's fine, but Miranda, I don't want to worry about you later if something bad is happening."

Miranda smiled. He really knew her. There are no lies between them, and he was patient with her, as always, how did she forget that?

She stood from her chair, and sat on his lap. "I'm sorry," she murmured, and buried her head in his neck. "I'm fine, I promise. I just have to check on something, and I'll tell you as soon as I find out, okay?" She dropped a chaste kiss on his shoulder blade.

Ben nodded and kissed the top of her head. "Okay, now, I gotta go, I have to be in surgery in about 10 minutes."

Miranda gasped and stood quickly. "Ben Warren, you cannot be late! What are you still doing here? Go!"

He laughed and nodded, kissing her lips sweetly, making her melt, and he sped towards the door in a hurry.

She smiled, feeling tears prick at her eyelids. What the fuck? She sighed, and wiped the edges of her eyes. She really must be pregnant if that was any indication.


Waiting for her anonymous test results from the lab, she paged Callie.

She was in a conference room, pacing, back and forth, when the door opened, revealing her best friend. "Uh, someone paged me here?" She looked questioningly at Miranda. "Is it you?"

Miranda nodded. "Yes, now, come here." She pulled Callie inside, and shut the door. "Okay, I might be pregnant."

Callie blinked, then an understanding look settled on her face. "Oh. Oooh!"

She nodded, biting her lip, and playing with her fingers nervously. "I had a blood test drawn up in the lab a couple hours ago, and then I went into surgery, and I'm now I'm just waiting for it."

"Well, what do you want me to do? I have patients, Bailey." Callie frowned, looking at her watch. "Where's Ben anyway? Is he in surgery; do you want me to stay with you until he gets here, or--" The Latina suddenly noticed Miranda's pleading look. "Oh. You didn't tell him?"

She shook her head. "No. I... I didn't want to bring his hopes up."

Callie nodded. "Right, right. My patients can wait, I'm here."

Miranda just nodded and sat, her head in her hands. Her stomach was filled with butterflies, but not the ones she feels when she's with Ben. This time, it was unwelcome, invading her thoughts and feelings. On one hand, she wanted a baby, so bad. This world would be a better one with a little human made by her and Ben's love, she knew it. But what if it wasn't true? Maybe she missed her cycle due to the stress and worry about Ben's situation, or maybe she was sick; it was flu season after all. She didn't want to put her expectations high up, just to be let down.

"Miranda? Miranda?" She heard Callie call on her, shaking her arm. "Your pager is going off. It must be the lab." She shook off her trance, and looked at her best friend gratefully.

She nodded. "Um..."

Callie smiled. "I'll get it, you stay here, okay? Don't overthink it. I'll be back."

She left with a gentle touch on Miranda's hand. She stayed there, thinking of the different possibilities, measuring each one. In her mind, it was only a few seconds, when Callie came back, with a neutral expression in her face. "What? What?"

"Congratulations, Miranda." Her lips broke out into a smile. "You're pregnant."

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