it's a beautiful day to save lives

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He immediately rushed to his car when Miranda called him.

Ben was out golfing; it was a Tuesday. He didn't want to go in the first place, since his wife was almost 9 months pregnant, and her due date was coming close.

But Miranda had insisted he go since it will be one of the last times he'd be going there. The baby would take up all of their time.

So, off he went, and he was actually enjoying a little peace outside of his wife's mood swings (don't tell her he said that), when she called him and told him the baby was coming.

Ben didn't panic. After all, he was a trauma surgeon. Even if he was afraid of being a father, he was trained for high-pressure situations. And he knew Miranda was smart enough to go to the hospital early, so she'd be in good hands.

He immediately rushed to his car, and he didn't speed, but his heart rate was up there. They were having a baby. This was real.

For just a second, he was distracted, and he almost didn't notice a car driving faster than what was legal. He swerved just in time to get out of its way, but he saw the impact it made on the guardrail.

After the shock of almost getting hit by an irresponsible driver faded, he got out of his car, and looked for the passengers.

"Sir, or ma'am? Is anybody awake?" He shouted, his eyes flitting over the car. His brain started to evaluate the scene, and he saw other cars stopping to glance over the wreckage.

"Help…" a deep voice came from the upside-down car. Ben immediately kneeled down, and peeked underneath.

He could see a bloody hand try to reach out to him. "Sir? Just wait a second, I'm a doctor; I'm going to try and get you out of there."

Ben stood, taking a deep breath. He needed to get to his wife quickly, but he knew he had to help first.

"Hey! Hey, you!" He called out to a pedestrian who looked shocked at the scene before him. "Call 911."

The woman nodded immediately, getting her phone out.

Ben looked back at the scene. The car was flipped over, and he frowned, trying to think of a way to stabilize the driver without having the car collapse in on him.

He went to his car, and he winced as he looked and saw that there was nothing he could use.

Ben went back to the car and he laid on the ground, trying to peek in. He licked his lips as he stared at the car door and at the other side, where he could see the man completely.

"Sir, hi, my name is Ben, I'm going to try to get the door away. How are you, can you tell me any of your injuries?" He asked loud and clear.

"M-my name's Tucker." He rasped out. "I-I have… I have a, um, my chest feels like it's going to explode. M-my legs… they're trapped."

"Okay, okay. Just- Just don't move too much, and take deep breaths for me, okay?"

"O-Okay." He grumbled, taking short breaths.

Ben frowned, and he looked around, finding a piece of metal at the other end of the car. He grinned.

He held it up, and he could see the sharp ends of it.

"Okay, I found something, Tucker, alright? I'm gonna get you out of there." He started to hack at the door, and he felt hope in his chest as the door creaked and broke away.

Tucker coughed. "Y-You did it."

"I did. Now, we just have to wait for a rig, alright? We - we got this."

Tucker chuckled, and started coughing. The car creaked, and Ben could suddenly smell gasoline.

He made a sound in the back of his throat. "Damn it."

"What, what is it, man?" Tucker asked, panicking.

"No, no. I just - I smell gas. We have to get you out of there as soon as possible." He cursed again under his breath.

"And what did you do, superman?" Miranda chuckled, holding their baby across her chest.

"I tried to get him out as soon as I can, and the rig arrived just in time to get control the gas leak." He grinned.

Miranda smiled, proud of her husband. She looked down at Danielle Addison Bailey-Warren.

"Hi, baby, hi." She cooed at her, even as the little girl was still asleep.

Ben's arms went around her and she felt him kiss the top of her head. "Our baby looks just like you. Beautiful."

She rolled her eyes playfully and looked up at him. "You're damn lucky I'm beyond happy right now."

"What? I saved a man's life, baby." He laughed, kissing her cheek.

Her face softened, and she smiled. "I know, I know." Then she stared him down. "But if you ever, ever scare me like that again, I swear to you, Benjamin Warren, I will -

He cut her off, kissing her with a passion that it left her breathless.

Ben pulled away before Miranda could let their little girl go. She panted, and tried to glare at him, but with the blush coating her cheeks, she knew it held no meaning.

"I hate you," she joked, and they laughed together.

"Nope, you love me." He looked down at Dani, and he found himself looking at wide chocolate brown eyes. "Isn't that right, my baby girl? Mommy loves daddy so much."

Miranda hummed a soft tune as they cooed at Dani. "That's right, my girl. I love your daddy very much, even if he is a Samaritan who likes to help other people at my cost."

"That was snarky. But don't mind her, Dani. She's just a little out of the weather." He chuckled and reached his arms out. "Can I?"

Miranda smiled. "Of course."

As Ben held Danielle Bailey-Warren in his arms, with his smile so big, Miramda felt a huge wave of emotions hit her small body.

This is her family, and while her and Ben has had ups and downs, she knew, with all of her heart, that this man was the love of her life, and the baby in his arms was the greatest gift she's ever received.



a/n : okay so im actually not ready to abandon this universe and i think there's still a lot to tell so i have two spin-off ideas for this universe and im not sure which of those i do.

so it's either, a prequel one where we tackle when they first met and stuff like that one chapter i did OR a future one but it doesn't  necessarily go through a fixed timeline like just random moments in their future

or it can be both, idk what do yall want?

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