love into war

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She glanced at the mirror, her breasts out, and her pink panties contrasting with her brown skin.

Miranda's body had gone through immense change over the past months, and she had to admit, she was really tired of it all.

She's a surgeon, and she loved it, the cutting, the 'saving lives' part, she really did. It gave her sense of power, and at the same time, a sense of humility, which is very rare in a job.

But with this pregnancy, she's torn all the time; she wants to just lay down and hibernate until her baby comes, but she also wants to wield her scalpel and cut people open.

Miranda observes her body with interest. Her hand cups her breasts, which have grown thick and heavy as the days went on, and it was sore as hell. Her hands massaged them softly, and she let out a moan.

She bit her lip, thinking about Ben. He'd been gone for at least 4 months, going beyond the 3-month-mark he promised her. She missed him, and she was really pissed at him for willingly living his life far away while she was here, housing a whole human being.

Her hands moved to her fat, pregnant belly. She felt a kick, and she smiled. God, she wished Ben was here.

At that exact moment, her phone rang, and she scrambled to get her dress on before she looked at the caller ID.

It was Ben. Her smile widened. He was coming home this weekend.

"Benjamin?" Her voice was pitchy, and a little scratchy. She found out that her hormones made her voice weird, and it was one of the things she hated about it.

"Miranda," he said, his voice gruff and serious.

"Y-you okay?"

"Don't be mad." Miranda could hear the subtle pleading tone in his voice. She squinted, feeling anger rise in the pits of her belly. "Please."

"The longer you wait to tell me, the angrier I'll be, so spit it out, Benjamin Anthony Warren."

Ben winced at his full name. "I'm staying for two more weeks."

"Are you serious?" Miranda scoffed, tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Miranda," his voice was desperate and she wanted to hit him with a spiked baseball bat. "It's just another two weeks, please."

She rolled her eyes, and the tears came streaming down. "I am carrying your child, Benjamin Warren. And I have been alone, talking to her, taking care of her. I have been alone for the past 4 months. Now, you're going to extend your tour again for God knows how long?"

Ben was rightfully quiet. She could hear his breathing, but he wasn't talking.

They stayed there for a couple minutes before she talked again. "If you don't want to be a father, Benjamin, you could've just told me."

Miranda didn't let him reply and she ended the call. She looked down at her baby bump. She was at 26 weeks, and she was showing quite obviously to anyone who threw a second glance at her.

She didn't want to find out the gender without Ben by her side, but she was pretty sure it was a girl. She expected Ben to be home almost a month ago, so they could find out together, but he'd done what she feared and extended his tour.

Now, he was calling so he could stay longer. And he was gloriously pissing her off.

"He's staying?!" Callie asked, when Miranda called her to come over.

She picked at the pancakes her best friend brought, craving oreos and mint chocolate chip ice cream. "Yep," she replied distractedly.

Callie sighed. "Okay, what do you want?"

"What?" She frowned.

"What are you craving?" Miranda blushed, and told the Latina what she wanted. "Okay, I'll get an intern to deliver it here." Callie began texting on her phone. They shared a smile before they continued with their previous topic. "He really didn't say anything?"

"Well, I didn't give him a chance to," she said sheepishly.

Callie laughed. "You hung up on him?"

Miranda hummed. "I did. And he's been calling nonstop."

"He deserves it."

"Damn right he does." She shook her head. "I can't believe he's extending his tour. I know it was the last one, but Callie, it's… it's our child, I'm carrying his child, in my womb, right here." She pointed at her stomach. "We've been waiting for this for so long, and where is he? Why am I alone in this?"

Callie reached for her hand. "One thing that's wrong about what you just said, is you're not alone. I'm here, Richard is here, hell, even the intern is bringing you food. Everyone is here."

"And I appreciate it," she smiled, then looked down. "But everyone is here, except him. He's who I need, who my child needs."

"Oh, Mandy." Callie awkwardly hugged her, the bulge of her stomach getting in the way, but Miranda felt herself calm just a little bit.


Ben bit his lip nervously as he called his pregnant wife one more time.

She'd been ignoring him for the past week, and he hated not hearing from her. He was on his way home, knowing he messed up big. He wanted to see Miranda, he wanted to talk to their princess.

He impatiently tapped his foot as he waited in line at the Baghdad airport. He needed to get out of here and see his, most-likely-mad-as-hell wife.

Truthfully, he was extending his stay because some part of him didn't know what to do, didn't know how to be a father. His own father left them for war, only to come back in pieces. He hadn't really gotten much from him except the military thing.

Ben wanted this, he really did. A kid, with Miranda Bailey? That news sent him over the moon.

And then it hit him. He was going to be a father. He was responsible for raising a human being, an actual kid. And that scared him to death.

But he felt bad leaving his wife all alone, without him to lean on, and it broke him from his fear. He loved Miranda, and he wasn't in this alone. He had her, and she had him. They can't be apart during this. He'd left when she was at 3 months, and he can't wait to go back to see her with a baby bump.

He grinned excitedly, and he just hoped Miranda wouldn't make him sleep on the couch for extending his stay.


She grumbled, lounging around the hallways of the hospital. Her heart rate was 110, her legs were swollen, and she had to pee every hour. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so damn irritating.

Miranda moved her neck side to side, revelling in the good stretch. She winced, feeling a strange pain in her lower back.

It grew and it grew, and she stopped momentarily, holding a hand to the wall. She gasped as the pain went away as fast as it came.

She frowned, holding her bump in her hands. Her baby was moving ever so slightly, and she felt fear in her heart.

Miranda continued on with her day anyway, it might've been just Braxton-Hicks; she'd had some at different points of her pregnancy due to stress and fatigue.

Approximately 15 minutes after the first one, though, she felt another stabbing pain at her lower stomach. She felt it, but it was minimal, so she just went on to surgery.

As the Anesthesiologist started gassing the patient, she felt it again, and she hissed.

"Dr. Bailey?" Meredith asked, "Are you okay?"

The pain was bigger than the others this time, and she couldn't respond. She stepped back, going down on her stool, and tears pricked at her eyes. "Oh God."

"Somebody page the Chief," Meredith said over the noise, and Miranda thought someone was going to her with a wheelchair, and everything went blank.

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