once a surgeon, always a surgeon

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a/n: i'm back guys! so the first half of the week really helped my writer's block, and the second half, i got to write some chapters from different stories, so expect more updates within the day and tomorrow.




Miranda sighed as she woke up. She turned on her side with difficulty, and stared at her asleep husband.

After her incident, she was cursed to bedrest. Well, cursed wasn't the word, but that's what she felt like. She had at least 8 more weeks and it was killing her to stay at home. She needed to cut, she needed surgery.

She sighed louder and Ben stirred, blinking, until his eyes focused on her. He smiled, and she scowled.

"Hey, what's wrong, baby?" His voice was deep, dripping with sleep. It sent shivers down her body.

Miranda was fully prepared to whine and give him attitude about her predicament, but right now, her hormones want her to jump his bones. She pouted at him.

He sighed. "Did you wake me up for sex, baby?"

The scowl returned on her lips and Ben laughed, wiping his face. "Come here." He opened his arms to welcome her in.

Miranda grinned softly and scooted close to her husband. He was shirtless, and his skin was hot against hers. She once complained that he was a hot furnace, but with time, she found that she actually preferred it that way. "I love you," she murmured.

He kissed the top of her head. "I love you. Now, are you going to tell me why you're pouting?"

She looked up at him, and sighed yet again. "I want to go out, Ben. I miss surgery."

"Miranda," he warned.

"No. No! I miss it so much I might just cut you open."

Ben chuckled. "Babe, you're overreacting. You know you need to be resting." His hand dropped to her protruding belly. She watched as he caressed it with care.

For the past two weeks, he had been extra gentle, the guilt always showing in his eyes. After a couple days, she found that she didn't really blame him. Even if he was here, she was still stressed beyond reason due to the amount of surgeries she'd been taking.

He had confessed that he was scared to be a father, and he apologized fervently that she and their baby had to suffer for his fears. They'd talked a long time, and all the heavy air was cleared between them. She assured him she never meant to blame him.

"But baby," she whined, pouting at him. "Please, just one or two surgeries. Maybe just an appy or a splenectomy. Those are easy. I won't stress myself or do more. I'll even just assist!" She looked him in the eye, knowing he won't resist her big brown eyes.

Ben groaned, rolling his eyes. "Fine, fine."

She squealed, kissing him hard. "Thank you, thank you!" She grinned, her eyes lighting up.

He chuckled, loving the way she glowed, especially in this pregnancy. "But you're the one who's gotta tell Richard. And Callie. And Addie."

Miranda just nodded. "Yeah, yeah." She looked at him, tears suddenly spreading in her eyes. "Thank you so much, baby."

He smiled softly and pecked her lips, making a smile burst. "I got you, my love."



Miranda rolled her eyes, the feeling of irritation climbing its way to her stomach as she stared the Chief of Surgery down. "Richard," she started.

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