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Billies Pov
It's been a few months and my hands were shaking as I tried to open the door. The house was empty and her smell lingered in the air making my heart ache. I walked into the bedroom hoping to see her there, hoping to see her standing in our bedroom getting dressed or in the bathroom taking a shower. But it was empty. Our beautiful home was empty. It wasn't as beautiful without her but the beauty remained in our memories. I noticed a sealed envelope on the bed I opened it and noticed her beautiful handwriting right away, reminding me of the beautiful writing that attracted me in that bathroom stall.
My beautiful ocean
If you're reading this my mom either gave it to you or you didn't listen to me. I know it's the second option so just remember to close the window before you leave or raccoons will take over our bedroom again. I want to thank you for the most amazing love story I could ever ask for, you were the best option there was when it came to falling in love. I'm sorry our time was cut short. I wish I could find you. I wish I could stay and you wouldn't have to dance by yourself in our house with the ghost of me. I want you to not close your door to love, if you find love please go after it. Please? I promise I will not be angry or drag her feet like I said I would. Falling for you was like falling into the ocean, the ocean is beautiful but such a terrifying place and I want you to know that you were nothing but beauty. You're a sky full of stars and you light them all up at once. I love you my beautiful ocean.
I finished reading the letter and sobbed quietly, I heard the mail slot open and close and after I finished crying I walked over to it and noticed a letter with my name on it.
My beautiful Billie
Today as of the 16th of February I become the 20%, if I am not a fragment of your imagination come find me?

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