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chapter fifteen : the Thestral

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chapter fifteen : the Thestral

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The following days were chaotic. Suddenly, June had to arrange Quidditch tryouts to find two new Beaters. She had talked to Katie Bell about falling in for Harry, but June could tell Katie had rather wanted to be a Chaser. That's why the black haired had given Katie her spot as Chaser and had made herself the new Seeker, hoping that somehow, she, too, had inherited whatever Seeker talent Harry had.

That's why Juniper spend a lot of time on the Quidditch pitch in her free time. She sat in the chair in her captains office gazing at the names on a piece of parchment. It was everyone who had come to the tryout and she hadn't have much hope. None of them came even close to Fred and George.

She sighed in frustration and buried her head into her hands.

"Black?" Professor McGonagall's voice called and June's head snapped up to see McGonagall enter the small office.

"Hello Professor," June said, standing up from her chair. "Can I help you with anything?"

"I was wondering whether there were any good tryouts," McGonagall said, eying the black haired girl. "I know it's not easy for you to rearrange the team again."

"It's not," June sighed, "but there is no other way." She glanced down and circled two names on the parchment. Andrew Kirke and Jack Sloper. They weren't brilliant, but compared to the rest of the idiots who turned up . . .

"I know you can do this, Black," McGonagall said, giving her one of her rare smiles. "And I'm not talking about being a captain, you've already proved that, but I mean as a Seeker. You know, both your parents were Seekers for their respective Houses. I presume that's where Harry got his talent from. Your mother was one of the best. I'm sure that you'll do great."

"Whoa, no pressure there, huh, Professor?" June said, but she smiled nonetheless. "Thank you."

Professor McGonagall nodded. "Well, I'll leave you to it."

And with that, she left. June took the piece of parchment and shoved it into her pocket before leaving the Quidditch pitch. However, a feeling pulled her towards the Forbidden Forest and when she turned around to see what was happening, she saw a Thestral standing at the edge. Even from this far she knew it was watching her.

Without thinking about it, she slowly made her way towards it. It didn't move or make any sudden moves, indicating that he or she didn't mind June coming closer and closer.

"Hello there," June said softly, slowly reaching her hand out.

The Thestral sniffed her hand before nudging his nose into the palm of her hand. June smiled and softly petted his head.

"He seems to like yeh," a voice said, making both June and the Thestral look up. Hagrid was standing a couple of feet away from them and he was possibly beaming at the sight. "Never seen a Thestral so at ease with a person."

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