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the white tomb

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     The day of Liam's funeral was dark—unlike regular days in June. Juniper and Cedric stood at the back of the group and the two of them silently watched as the coffin was lowered in the ground. Up the front Liam's parents were crying as they threw sand over their dead son's coffin.

June had only seem them once before—when she saved Liam from the lake all those years ago.

This time, she hadn't saved him.

A tear fell off her face, followed by many more. June didn't care. Not anymore. Cedric, who had a difficult time as well, offered her a handkerchief, which June used to dry her face.

As more sand was thrown on the coffin and the hole in the ground was filling, June recovered herself and moved forward to meet Liam's parents and give them her condolences.

"I am so sorry for your loss," June told them, dipping her head, unable to look them in the eyes. What would she see? Anger? Disappointment?

"June," Liam's mother started, and something in her voice made June look up. They weren't looking at her in anger or in disappointment. Sadness was all there was. "Liam truly admired you. Thank you for looking after him when we could not."

"I have failed him," June whispered, too afraid to tell them the truth. "It was my fault he died."

A warm hand was placed on hers and Liam's father gave her a sad smile. "Professor McGonagall told us what happened. It was not your fault, June. It was Liam's decision and he decided to save you."

"But I am supposed to save him," June said, her voice sounding very small. "And I have failed to do that. Liam's death is on me."

"Don't say that," Liam's mother said, taking a step forward and throwing her arms around June. "He loved you very much, June. There was not a day that he did not talk about you. You were truly his hero."

June hugged her back, once again, she was sobbing. "No, he was mine."

Liam's mother pulled back and her husband gave her a handkerchief.

"We have something for you," he said, pulling Liam's wand out of his pocket and handing it to her. "We cannot do anything with it. He'd have wanted you to have it."


"Please, take it," Liam's mother said, closing June's fingers around the wand. "Be the hero he always knew you to be."

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