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chapter fifteen : explanations needed

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chapter fifteen : explanations needed

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Juniper had never been part of a more stranger group. Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, lead the way down the stairs; Remus, Pettigrew and Ron went next, looking like contestants in a six-legged race. Next came Professor Snape, drifting creepily along, his toes hitting each stair as they descended, held up by his own wand, which was pointed at him by Sirius.

"You look just like your father," Sirius told her, glancing at her. "I mean — you don't look like a man or something —" He went with his hand through his hair. "— oh Merlin, I'm missing this up, aren't I?"

June smiled. "Well, you did spend twelve years away from the world so I'll forgive you."

Sirius grinned and shook his head. "You're truly your mother."

"You're not the first one to point out."

"So . . . You're a fifth-year, right?" Sirius asked, as the two of them brought up the rear.

"Yeah, I just had my O.W.L.s," June replied, nodding.

"How did it go?"

June shrugged. "Good I guess, but I'm pretty sure I failed Divination."

"Well . . . There are worse things than fail Divination," Sirius pointed out.

"Like being in Azkaban innocently for twelve years?"

Sirius pursed his lips.

"Too soon?"

He smiled. "Give it a day or two."

His grey eyes darted towards Harry and he hesitated.

"Go," June said, nodding at her cousin, "I know he'll be thrilled to talk to you."

She gave him a gentle push and he walked over to Harry, making Hermione fall back.

"How tactful of you," Juniper said, grinning.

"I just wanted to give them some privacy," Hermione replied, shrugging.

They reached the end of the tunnel rather quickly. Crookshanks darted up first; he had evidently pressed his paw to the knot on the trunk, because Remus, Pettigrew and Ron clambered out without any sound of savaging branches.

Sirius saw Snape up through the hole, then stood back for Harry, Hermione and Juniper to pass. At last, all of them were out.

The grounds were very dark now, the only light came from the distant windows of the castle. Without a word, they set off. Pettigrew was still wheezing and occasionally whimpering.

"One wrong move, Peter," Remus said threateningly, ahead. His wand was still pointed sideways at Pettigrew's chest.

Silently they tramped through the grounds, the castle lights growing slowly larger. Snape was still drifting weirdly ahead of Sirius, his chin bumping on his chest. And then —

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