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chapter nine : captain

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chapter nine : captain

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Oliver was over the moon when he heard about Harry's Firebolt, just as June had predicted. He was talking to her about it, although talking might be the wrong word since it involved two people. He did most of the talking.

"A Firebolt! A real Firebolt!" he exclaimed, as he accompanied her to her next lesson. He shook his head. "I need to talk to Professor McGonagall about giving Harry's broom back."

"I'm not sure she'll give it back so willingly," Juniper said, as the two of them arrived at the Charms classroom.

"I'm going to give it a try anyway," he said, seeming very positive about it. "I'll let you know what she said!" With a wave, he turned around and walked away.

"What's with him?" Angelina asked, as June took her usual seat next to her. "He seems overly happy."

"He heard about Harry's Firebolt," June said, taking her book out of her bag.

"Well, if I wasn't so sure he's in a relationship with Quidditch, I might suspect that he has a crush on you, June," Alicia said, giving her a wink.

Juniper raised her eyebrow. "Oliver? A crush on me? Yeah, no." She shook her head. "Now you're just messing with me."

"He's been hanging around you a lot these last days," Angelina pointed out. "Perhaps he realized his feelings over Christmas break."

"All we talked about was Harry's Firebolt or Quidditch. It's all strictly professional."

"I don't see him talking about Quidditch or Harry's Firebolt with us," Alicia pointed out.

"Guys," Juniper began, looking at the two of them, "it's Oliver, you know, our Captain. The biggest Quidditch addict on earth? Ring a bell? I'm hundred percent sure he's into Quidditch."

Angelina and Alicia exchanged an amused glance before looking back at her.

"Whatever you say."

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"Bad news, June," Oliver said that evening. Juniper was sitting in front of the fireplace in the common room, reading a book, when Oliver interrupted her.

"What?" she asked, putting a piece of parchment between her pages before closing the book.

"I've just been to see Professor McGonagall about the Firebolt," Oliver explained, sitting down next to her and going with his hand through his short hair. "She — er — got a bit shorty with me. Told me I'd got my priorities wrong. Seemed to think I cared more about winning the Cup than I do about Harry staying alive. Just because I told her I didn't care if it threw him off, as long as he caught the Snitch on it first." Oliver shook his head in disbelief. "Honestly, the way she was yelling at me . . . you'd think I'd said something terrible. Then I asked her how much longer she was going to keep it . . ." He screwed up his face and imitated Professor McGonagall's severe voice, "'As long as necessary, Wood'."

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