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chapter eighteen : the weighing of the wands

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chapter eighteen : the weighing of the wands

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"Okay, listen up everyone," June said before Monday's Quidditch practice. "Our first game will be against Ravenclaw on Saturday and I need you all to be focused, okay? Remember, not only Hogwarts will watch us but also Beauxbatons and Durmstrang."

"Ronnikins, please don't faint when you see Krum," Fred told his younger brother with a grin.

Ron's cheeks burned up and June didn't know if it was from anger or embarrassment, probably both.

"Fred I'm sure Ron will manage just fine," she said. "And Harry," she added, looking at her cousin, "don't get distracted by Cho and don't be a gentleman."

Harry looked flustered but Juniper ignored it. "I want to win this, guys. Let's show the other schools how good we are!"

The team cheered and soon enough, they were flying through the air. Juniper thought it went pretty good. They only made a couple mistakes with the plays but at the end of the practice, it went smoothly.

Ron had gotten better, she noticed, as she saw Angelina, Alicia and Katie taking turns in throwing the Quaffle through the hoops. He managed to deflect most of them.

"Great work, team!" June exclaimed, as they landed back onto the ground an hour and half later. "Let's shower and head back up towards the common room."

"You know, you're turning more and more into Oliver each day," Angelina breathed, as the four of them entered the girls' showers.

"Thanks, that's probably why we'll have a better chance at winning the Quidditch Cup."

Angelina rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure if that was meant to be a compliment."

"I'll turn it into a compliment," June said, grinning. "You've got to give it to Oliver, he was one of the best Quidditch captains at Hogwarts."

"Don't tell Charlie," Katie said, winking.

June's cheeks burned up. "Shut up."

Alicia, Angelina and Katie laughed while Juniper turned her back to them, not wanting them to see her now red face that was matching her scarlet Quidditch robes.

The four of them showered quickly and soon enough they were strolling back to the castle, their brooms slung over their shoulder and chatting about the upcoming game.

"I'm telling you, we're going to crush them," Angelina said. "I mean, it's only Ravenclaw."

"Don't underestimate them," Alicia flashed back. "They're pretty good."

"Yeah, but not as good as we are."

Juniper didn't say anything, her thoughts were elsewhere, with a certain blue-eyed red haired man to be precise. Due to the Tournament, her duties as Prefect and Quidditch Captain, and school work, she didn't have much time to think about him. However, now that Katie had brought him up again, it was hard to ignore the feelings that welled up inside of her.

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