Chapter 4

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Lucca Giovanni's POV

After Laura emailed me at 2 AM, I was a bit taken back when I read the content of the email that she wanted to talk about the marriage proposal that I told her behind the pub the other day. I smiled like an idiot when I saw the email.

I read it and wrote it back in a flash, with a tease that I was a very busy man. I'm sure that my secretary can take care of my meeting because I will be meeting with the only person that I have waited for 3 years to come back from abroad.

I told my secretary to reschedule my 10 AM meeting to the next day as I want to have my time mostly with Laura. I smiled as I sent an email to my secretary. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was my mum. I answered the phone with a heavy heart as I wanted to prepare for her nagging.

"Hello, mother," I said, uninterested.

"Mi figlio, when are you going to come to visit us? Your father has been asking for you forever," she said as I rolled my eyes at her introduction.

"Mother, I will come home this weekend. It's not that long now. Also, what are you doing up so late at 2 AM?" I said as I was typing on my laptop about some investment of my companies, sorry, empire.

"Really? You will be back this weekend? Oh my, that's great. You see, Lucia Ricci is here. You might want to catch up or reconnect after, what 3 years now? Anyway, she will be here, so that would be great to..." she said before I interrupted her.

"I will have someone with me this weekend," I said before the end of the line went silent.

"Mother, are you there?" I said as she was quiet for a while now.

She cleared her throat before starting to speak again. "Do I know this girl?" She asked. I smiled at her question.

"Very. Anyway, I see you this weekend," I said before hanging up as my mother was about to ask another question. I leaned back in my chair as I closed all the tabs of my work and left with the wallpaper of my iMac.

It was our picture when we were 5 and 6 years old. I was one year older than Laura. Her face smiled at the camera as her violet eyes shone brightly. My heart warmed at the picture before putting the iMac on sleep mode and turning it in for the night. I can't wait for the morning to come.

Laura Conti's POV

"I was a bit surprised to see you emailed me at 2 AM. Seriously, Laura, what are you doing, staying up so late?" Lucca said, trying to break the silence between us.

"It's none of your business for what I did at 2 AM, isn't it now? Since I don't care whether you did the same thing as well," I said bitterly to him. He just chuckled at me before the elevator dinged to mark that we have arrived at his office. The door opened and he gestured for me to walk outside the elevator.

"Ladies first," he said. I just rolled my eyes at him. The interior design was elegant and sophisticated. It was my first time being in his office and I was awed at the mahogany furniture that was decorated in his office. His secretary was typing into her computer before she greeted us, mostly Lucca, and continued to work on her laptop.

"Mr. Giovanni, you have a meeting at 2 PM with our investors from China and then, you have a video conference with an investor from Russia," she said before Lucca interrupted.

"Lottie, can you clear the rest of my schedule today? I have important matters to discuss with Ms. Conti here. Thank you," he said before pushing me into his office and closing the door. I heard a click sound, an indicator that he locked the door.

Great, now I was trapped with this gorgeous specimen. Wait, what?

I shook my head before he put his hand on my back and ushered me toward the chair in front of his huge mahogany desk. I took a seat as he sat on his chair behind the desk.

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