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   As they escorted me outside the room I looked back and saw a big sign on top of the room's door, "The Healing Center" was written on it. 

   I looked around and saw an indescribable world.  Creatures that I taught were only in fairytales and myths. Pegasuses, butterflies, and birds were flying around, countless rainbows in the sky, and 2 suns that were not too far from each other.  Dwarfs, kobolds, and halflings talking to each other, they seem confused while looking at me. Hobbits, fairies, Unicorns, and pixies were talking with each other as well while looking at me. Mermaids that were beside a beautiful white fountain that has water that sparkle as it flows, gave me a scary glance. Some people were wearing long robes, some are white, black, and gray, they were also holding wands of their hands. They looked like wizards. It was a very strange world, I don't think I ever saw anything like this, but, it still felt familiar to this place. But, I didn't really understand why almost everyone was looking at me strangely. 

   "Jencks, what's going?" I asked my brother as we were still walking.

  "Huh? what do you mean?" He asked me also confused. 

 "Why do I feel like I'm not so welcome here? Why do they keep on looking at me and whisper?".  I asked more. 

   He finally realized that almost everyone was really looking at me  "Don't mind them, they're just jealous because you're surrounded by three handsome guys, I'm kinda famous here you know." he replied while giggling. He then looked at Alvar and Louis worried. They soon whispered something to each other, they looked so serious that it kinda scared me. 

  We soon reached a tall miniature castle that was covered by silver and gold, which can also be described as a magical bavarian. Knights were wearing gray amours guarding the castle and lots of small pixies flying around. 

  One of them flew right at my face, she wears a cute little pink and purple dress with sprinkles and gold stars hair clips. Her curly red hair was hard to miss because of how the color really brights it's the way almost like how a lighted candle in a room. She also has wings that reflect rainbow colors. "Oh!- Hey! Watch where you're going!" she yelled at me, but I couldn't really describe it as a yell, because of how tiny she was, which reflects how tiny her voice was. But I can tell by her hand forming a fist and her veins showing from her neck.

"S-sorry!" I apologized right away, she crossed her arms and said,

"It's fine, you must be new here, huh?" 

"Y-yeah! I'm actually-" before I could finish she suddenly flew right in front of  Jencks and Louis, as her wings flapped, glitters fall from it.

"Jencks, your back!" she said with an easy smile, "Louis? Alvar?" she turns her head to both of them one in a time, "Did you two really miss Jencks that much, that it made you two pick him up all the way form The Milkyway Galaxy?" she teases them with her eyes and a slight smirk. She seem close with them to tease them like that. 

"Hey now, stop teasing them," Jencks said as he covers his face, trying to stop his laughter. Even though it has obviously shown in his face. 

"You must meet your newest schoolmate and our friend-" she didn't even let Louis finish his sentence. 

"Hi, there! So you're new here, huh? What's your name? Where are you from? You have beautiful hair, and eyes, oh! You must be  from the milky way galaxy or lending-" 

   "Linette, that's enough, I think you scared her..." Alvar suddenly stepped in and saved me. Jencks and Louis just giggled while I took a deep breath and said, 

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