Kimora's reveal

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As soon as I, Louis, and Alvar arrived at the event, I quickly looked for Dawn, but it was hard to find her because of how many students, knights, and teachers were around, "Do you see her?" I asked them.

"There!" suddenly Louis pointed out. I spotted Dawn picking up a bow and arrow, I then immediately realized that she was doing archery.

"Why is Dawn doing Archery?" I asked myself out loud, "Does she even know how to use a bow and arrow?"

As we got closer, I could see Dawn holding her bow as she goes to her position, "Next is Dawn Dizon of class 1-4," said the host of the game, she then steadily picks up her arrow from her right side, calmly placed it to the bow and finally on a professional position of an archer. We soon arrived at the front row, having a great and clear view of the game, next to Linette.

"Hey, Linette," I greeted her as I immediately noticed that there was a girl with her, " Excuse me, are you also a friend of Daw-" I stopped as she turns to me with beautiful sparkling hazel eyes and an innocent shocked expression on her face.

"Yes?" she answered,

"Oh! Greetings gentelmans, here to cheer Dawn as well?" Linette greeted us, "Oh! This is Noelle, Princess Noelle,"

"Good afternoon," Noelle greeted us as well with a halfway bow and a plain expression. I'm grateful that Dawn has new other friends and she seems to learn a lot at school. I'm also glad that she has someone to lay on because I couldn't be there for her all the time.

"Um... Hi..." I hesitated, "I'm Jencks By the way, Dawn's brother," I then continued while scratching my head, it was so obvious that I was shy that time. I just hope it's not too obvious that I kinda like her.

"Afternoon to you as well, I'm Louis," Louis suddenly said saving me from embarrassment because I was just standing, silently like a weirdo.

"Thanks for saving me there," I whispered to Louis,

"Yeah... saving you," he said with an unsure tone, as we all looked in Dawn's direction, she took a deep breath and fired her arrow, flying, across the field like an eagle and eventually hitting the center of the board, that made the crowd go wild. It kinda made me teared up a little, seeing my baby sister growing up so fast. I turned to look at Linette hugging Noelle while jumping high, Louis clapping his hand with a proud smile, and Alvar letting goes a slight smile. I was shocked to see Alvar smiling while looking at Dawn proudly.

"Hey, Linette, I didn't know that freshmen have archery classes already," I said, "Do you guys know who's the teacher?" I asked them as I crossed my arms.

"Oh! Archery is on thrid year, Alvar is the one who taught her," she giggled, " Not the sch-" she was suddenly stopped by Noelle,

"Linette, I don't think he should know about that," I could hear her whisper to Linette.

"Oh! I mean, yes! she did learn it at school and from no one other... one," she nervously defends herself. But I already knew the truth, Alvar? Why him in anyone in the world, now it's awkward, I turned to Alvar with an angry expression on my face, why did he not tell me? He was my friend first before he became Dawn's.

"Is that true Alvar? You're the one who taught her that?! Without telling me?!" I screamed at him, "What if she got hurt?!"

"Okay Jencks, Calm down," Louis tries to calm me down by shielding me away from Alvar.

"Jencks, You know I'll never let anything happen to her..." Alvar told me with a still facial expression, he really is sure of his statement. I know I could trust him, but, still, she's my sister and I have a responsibility for her, I can't just let her go do dangerous things behind my back.

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