5 | Hey One Question: What The Hell?

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"You know, I've known Dante for 20 years and not once have I ever seen anyone pull off the shit you do." Bruno says while I follow him up the stairs.

"Yeah, well I'm not anyone." I say as we reach the top, leaning my hand on the railing. Lifting my foot up, I undo the strap of my heel. And once I pull it off, I put my foot back down. "Ugh, that feels so much better." I says in relief.

"I'm guessing you're not a fan of high heels?" He asked with an amused tone.

"Please, heels are a torture device stereotyped by men to make a woman more appealing and objectified. Why should I need to up my height by a few inches, so that you guys' 'few inches' can experience pleasure." I begin, while taking off the other one. "They're fucking shoes for Christ's sake, except heels hurt more when applied to the growing area..." I finish speaking in a sing- song tone, chuckling at Bruno's reaction.

We walk along the landing, my shoes clattering in my hand, and his shoes tapping along the floor. Soon, we reached the door and Bruno typed in the code. As we entered, I walked over to the small couch in the corner.

Dropping my heels to the floor, I sit down while Bruno checks the monitors and fixes some things on her IV.

"Ok, so I am decreasing the meds and she should be awake in a few hours." He spoke, while carrying it out. It was like a scene from Grey's Anatomy... except the room wasn't blue and sterile but a regular guest room equipped with monitors and wires. He looked up at me as I held my head by my temples. "You ok? The bullet didn't graze you did it?" He asked, beginning to walk over.

I shook my head and let out a breath. "No. No I'm fine..." I said with a small smile.

"I don't believe you." He replied, earning a small laugh from me.

"I just- My dad said that people were killed... I have friends and people there I care about. I wish I knew who was hurt..." I responded. The only person I'd had this kind of conversation with was Eloise, so it was new to have someone else sat next to me.

"It's normal to worry. I'd be beside myself if I didn't know that Luca or Dante... or even Arianna were safe." He spoke softly, which calmed me down slightly.

Over the 2 weeks that Elle had been asleep, Bruno and I had grown quite close. He was always checking on Eloise and I was always here, so the conversation always flowed and the next thing I knew, we were friends.

"I don't know, parts of me are happy to be away from all of it for a while. But there are a few things there that I would move heaven and Earth to bring with me..." I was careful about what I said. Lord knows, I have learnt my lesson from that.

"A few things?" He asked, curiosity lacing every possible inch of his words. "A certain someone maybe?" He said, nudging me slightly. I giggled lightly, rolling my eyes.

What the fuck do I say? I can't exactly tell the truth...

"You could say that..." I finally spoke. It was cryptic enough that I wasn't lying, but also didn't give away too much information.

Bruno reached to slip his blazer off, shrugging lightly as he did. "Hm, better not let Dante hear you say that." He mumbled, my ears only slightly picking it up.

"Why?" I asked. I knew why. I'm not fucking stupid. But I also wanted to hear it from someone else.

"Are you kidding?" He begun, my smirk growing from knowing what he meant. "He's smitten with you." I laughed at what he said.

"Smitten?!" I said, laughing. "No offence, Doc. But I doubt a high profile and hard core Mafia Boss is 'smitten'. Seduced by my incredibly sexy confidence and killer body? Yes. I will accept that. But 'smitten'? Never." I said while chuckling, practically having to hold my stomach from laughing so hard.

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