10 | Can't Wait To Tell This Story To My Grandchildren

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Everything smelt of bleach, hand sanitiser and death. It was dark, and I hated every minute of it.

The last thing I remember was... fire. It was warm and... Eloise. Holy crap, I hope she's ok. Wait. Why is it so dark...?

"Emmi...?" I heard a voice say my name like a whisper. It sounded so far away, like it was being screamed from the ground and I was 20 feet up on some rooftop.

As if like magic, feeling gradually returned to my body and I finally felt in control again. I curled my toes, relishing in the feeling of moving my stiff joints. Ok, I think I can move everything.

"Emmi?" There is was again. Like a whisper, however it sounded louder this time.

I took a breath before my eyes fluttered open. And suddenly it was bright. Explains the whole darkness thing huh? Didn't have my fucking eyes open.

As I adjusted to the light, 2 heads became increasingly more distinct.

"Luca...?" I mumbled, wincing at how sore my throat felt. It was like sandpaper, like my vocal cords were made of sandpaper. Safe to say, it hurt like a motherfucker.

"Yeah, yeah it's me. Ari's here as well." He said, his voice soft. Through many cycles of blinking and shaking my head their faces became clearer. I offered a small smile to Arianna before I looked around.

"Are we at the hospital?" I asked, my brows knitting together. They both nodded, both looking at me like I'm some kind of fragile glass window that could shatter at any minute. "Great. And stop looking at me like that before I shove my fist through both of your faces. Granted I'm on too many painkillers right now to know my left from my right, I will still enjoy trying."

Ari chuckled, Luca rolling his eyes as he looked at his sister. "I'm glad you're ok, Emmi. You had us all worried when you ran in that fire." Her voice was laced with unspoken worry, like she was genuinely scared that I wasn't going to be ok. "Dante and Bruno were beside themselves, but I- Emmi in the short time I've known you I went from hating the way your name sounded to treasuring your presence and wanting to know everything you know." I was surprised by her words, I didn't know I was cared for like this.

"I lost my brother, Emmi. I can't lose a sister too." I couldn't help but smile. A sister. Eloise has always said I'm like a sister to her, but I knew that. Knowing that Arianna held me to a similar regard was... enough to warm my cold heart a little.

I didn't need to say anything, I leant upwards and she went down as we hugged tightly, both holding on for dear life.

I wasn't going to admit it, but I had feared for me too. I wasn't thinking when I ran head first into fire, but only of who I was running head first into fire for.

It's a weird concept to grasp huh? That you would risk your life to save that of someone you care about... Although to me that wasn't the part that seemed difficult to get a handle on. After all, I'm a Mafia Princess.

While my father ruled with an iron fist, believing he is superior and all- mighty, I wanted to run things like Dante. Relying on trust more than fear, fear in those that oppose and threaten me... but trust in my own people who are laying their lives down for me. I felt that not only should I be respected for what I own, do and grant... but that those who have given me their allegiance should too.

Hence why my father wouldn't be where he is without me. Most of his men stick around because they know I'm next to lead, and that could only be a year or so away.

My point though, is that it's scary to think that people are capable of laying down their lives for you... no matter the situation or reason, it's just a scary concept. And it's one that I am now realising I am beginning to apply to people other than Eloise and Xander.

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