8 | The First Time I Kinda Believed

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For people who skipped the smut chapter, here's a run down of important shizz. They flirted a lot and said that it would be a one time thing. She used her safe word before they could have actual sex. They also kissed a lot, and their first kiss was in there too.


A/N: Play 'Anchor' by Novo Amour for more feelings and shits.

I woke up in a different bed than I am used to. It was bigger and more comfy. I felt like I was drowning in grey throw pillows.

My arms stretched out as I let my eyes adjust to the sun. I remembered yesterday... it was one of my favourite days. After what had happened, Dante immediately untied me and ran me a bath. No talking was necessary and he let me sleep in his bed as it was rather late.

I sat up from the covers, ripping myself from the pillows. A hand ran through my knotty hair, me grimacing as I pulled at one. A deep breath evaded me as I looked around the room.

It was very tidy, for a guys room. But then Dante wasn't exactly a teenage boy and I had grasped by now that he enjoyed order and organisation. No clothes sprawled across the floor, just a dark grey rug that complimented the black wood floors perfectly. His walls bared various books and trinkets, some pictures of him with his parents.

I curled my knees to my chest with a sigh, before a cough sounded through the room.

My head whipped towards the door and there he stood. Dante DeVanna. In black sweats and a loose white tank top. My jaw could've hit the ground right there.

He stood with his arms crossed as he leant against one side of the door frame, his eyes glued to me. In this position I was able to study him more. His muscles bulged from the tension in his crossed arms and they displayed miles of intricate tattoos. His arm covered with a sleeve and the same design reaching over his chest.

The markings were beautiful. Roses, colourless, connected to others by their thorny stems. They intertwined with ease, like a puzzle that fit together seamlessly.

Given how he often wore blazer's, I hadn't seen them before.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He finally spoke, breaking me from my trance. I shook my head as a small blush crept to my cheeks.

"Don't flatter yourself." I commented, running another hand through my hair. He chuckled lightly, remaining in his place.

The sound calmed me, which was slightly unsettling. But nevertheless, his smile made me smile.

But soon, his smile dropped slightly into a more serious and more concerned look. Mine soon followed, confused by his change in attitude.

"Emmi." My name sounded so nice on his tongue, and I crossed my legs as he walked over. He took a seat on the side of the bed.

I wore my shirt form earlier with a pair of his boxers on as biker shorts. The covers still draped my legs, but my knee poked out at the side. I followed him as he walked over, looking at him slightly worried when he sat down.

"Do you remember what happened yesterday?" He asked, meeting my eyes in a completely captivating way.

I nodded gently. "Yeah, yeah I do..." I said slowly.

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